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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  • s Who can file a complaint about the election results?


    According to Article 102 of the Election Code, political parties that nominated candidates, the candidates themselves, their trusted representatives, observers, and voters can file complaints against the decisions of the election commissions within five days after the decisions are made. Complaints against decisions of the Central Election Commission can be filed with the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan within five days after the decisions are made.

  • s Under what circumstances can election results be annulled?


    According to Article 96 of the Election Code, if violations that affect the results of voting occur during the election, the election may be deemed invalid either in general, in certain electoral districts (areas), or in specific polling stations. The decision to declare the Presidential or Legislative Chamber election invalid is made by the Central Election Commission.

  • s What happens to unused election ballots?


    According to Article 122 of the Regulation on Organizing and Conducting Voting in the Elections of Deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, deputies of the regional, district, and city councils approved by the Central Election Commission on July 2, 2024 (Decision No. 1343), unused and spoiled ballots are counted by the precinct election commission members after voting has concluded. They are then invalidated by cutting off the upper left corner, and a corresponding entry is made in the final protocol.


    The chairperson or deputy chairperson of the precinct election commission wraps the unused and spoiled ballots into a bundle, labels it “Unused and Spoiled Ballots,” and writes the number of ballots, the election type, the name of the electoral district, and the serial number on the bundle.

  • s Who can be trusted representatives of candidates?


    According to Article 1 of the Regulation on Trusted Representatives of Candidates approved by the Central Election Commission on September 11, 2019 (Decision No. 936), a candidate for the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan can have up to 10 trusted representatives. For candidates for the deputies of regional and Tashkent city councils, the maximum is 5, and for deputies of district and city councils, it is 3 trusted representatives.


    Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who are eighteen years old or older can serve as trusted representatives of a candidate.

  • s How are observers appointed for the election?


    According to the regulation approved by the Central Election Commission's Resolution No. 938 dated September 19, 2019, foreign states and international organizations submit a nomination for their observers to the CEC with attached documents. The CEC makes a decision on their accreditation within five days.


    According to the regulation on observers from political parties and self-government bodies, political parties and self-government bodies send their observers to the territorial election commission for participation in elections for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, and regional, district, and city Kengash deputies.

  • s Who should be contacted if salaries for members of the precinct election commission are not paid on time?


    According to Clause 28 of the Instructions approved by the Central Election Commission's Resolution No. 969 dated October 25, 2019, compensation payments must be fully provided no later than three days before election day.


    Salaries for election commission members are paid by election commission chairpersons with signing authority and the chief accountants of the local government.

  • s Were there any changes to the categories of persons ineligible to vote this year?


    According to the latest amendments to the Electoral Code, citizens declared legally incompetent by a court, as well as those held in prison for committing serious and especially serious crimes, may be deprived of their voting rights only in accordance with the law and by a court decision. In all other cases, direct or indirect restriction of citizens' voting rights is not allowed. (Article 5 of the Electoral Code)

  • s Who can use a mobile ballot box?


    According to Article 56 of the Electoral Code, voters who are unable to come to the voting station due to health reasons or other causes may request the respective precinct election commission to organize voting at their location.


    At least two members of the election commission with a mobile ballot box are sent to the voter's location, ensuring the confidentiality of their will. Observers and media representatives may also be present.

  • s In what cases is an elector allowed to receive assistance from close ones or relatives during voting?


    According to Article 55 of the Electoral Code, a voter who is unable to fill out the ballot paper independently is entitled to invite another person into the voting booth or room for secret voting, at their discretion, except for persons who are members of the election commission, observers, and media representatives.

  • s Can a precinct or district election commission announce election results in the media?


    No, according to Article 97 of the Electoral Code, the decision of the Central Election Commission on the results of the elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan is adopted within ten days after the election and is published on the official website of the Central Election Commission and other sources (made public).


    The decision on the results of the election to the local Kengash is adopted by the respective election commission (territorial and district) within ten days after the election and is published in the media, as well as announced via mass media outlets.

  • s Can individuals who have not been citizens of Uzbekistan for several years or those holding a permanent residence permit in Uzbekistan participate in the elections?


    No, they cannot participate. According to Article 4 of the Election Code, the right to vote is granted to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who have reached the age of eighteen by the election day or on the election day.

  • s How is repeat voting conducted?


    According to Article 60 of the Election Code, repeat elections for deputies of the Legislative Chamber and local councils are held in the following cases:


    If the elections were not held or were declared invalid for the electoral district;


    If the number of votes cast for candidates in the deputy elections is equal.


    Repeat elections for deputies of the Legislative Chamber and local councils are held within one month after the main election. The formation of election commissions, registration of candidates, and other activities are carried out in accordance with this Code. The deadlines for preparing and conducting elections are set by the Central Election Commission.