How is the Unified Electronic Voter List Formed and Used?




Adoption of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan became a real turning point in the electoral practice of our country. A vivid example of this can be called the creation of a unified electronic voter list.


According to Article 28 of the Electoral Code, the unified electronic voter list is a state information resource containing information about citizen voters, their permanent and temporary residences, according to the databases of authorized state bodies.


The unified electronic voter list is formed and updated based on information provided by authorized state bodies, and during the election campaign, it is clarified by the respective precinct election commissions.


Each precinct election commission receives the preliminary list of voters of this precinct from the unified electronic voter list within three days after its formation.


After receiving the preliminary list of voters, the precinct election commission takes measures to clarify it by going door-to-door in the homes of residents of this precinct.


The precinct election commission may involve public representatives to work on clarifying the voter lists. District and city khokimiyats assist in the work of clarifying the voter lists.


Based on the results of the door-to-door visits, election commissions can make changes to the voter lists, correcting the surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth, and address of residence of the voter in the unified electronic voter list.


Voter lists for each polling station are compiled by the precinct election commission and signed by its chairman and secretary.


On election day, the polling stations use the voter lists received from the Unified Electronic Voter List.


In conditions of high migration, it is important to create a system that ensures the attachment of a voter to the appropriate electoral district and the practical application of the principle "One voter - one vote". At the same time, such a system should not lead to the restriction of important political rights of citizens to participate in the governance of the state and society through their chosen representatives and participation in elections. These rights are enshrined in the Constitution and have priority over the established restrictions.


According to the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-3961 dated October 4, 2018, the Information System for Election Process Management was developed to implement modern information and communication technologies in the electoral process in our country.


This information resource is updated based on data from the "XATLOV 1.0.3" and "Manzil" databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, by removing citizens not registered at their place of residence or deceased, as well as adding citizens who actually reside but are not listed in the databases.


In addition, the State Personalization Center forms the Unified Electronic Voter List of the Republic of Uzbekistan based on the updated data from the "XATLOV 1.0.3" and "Manzil" databases with data from the State Register of Rights to Real Estate Objects and the Unified Register of Addresses of Real Estate Objects, in cooperation with the Cadastral Agency under the State Tax Committee.


From November 2018 to April 2019, responsible employees of the relevant ministries and departments conducted a door-to-door census of more than 33 million citizens to form the Unified Electronic Voter List. The passport data of citizens were linked to the cadastral numbers of almost 7 million real estate objects. As a result, a unified electronic voter list was formed, including more than 20.5 million voters, automatically distributed across 10,260 polling stations.


For comparison, during the preparation for the Presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2021, 21,266,011 voters were registered, and the number of polling stations was 10,761.


Departmental information systems and databases related to the electoral process are integrated and updated in real-time.


To update the Unified Electronic Voter List, the Operator is provided with data on citizens in electronic form, including their personal identification numbers, series and numbers of passports of the Republic of Uzbekistan, surnames, first names, and patronymics in Uzbek and English as indicated in the passport, dates of birth, and addresses of residence according to cadastral numbers.


The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional, Tashkent city, district, and precinct election commissions have access to the Unified Electronic Voter List for the respective territory through the Election Process Management Information System.


The possibilities of using the Election Process Management Information System by the Central Election Commission and relevant election commissions are carried out through the data transmission network of the "Electronic Government" system.


In the Election Process Management Information System, members of the relevant election commission or responsible employees use the identification information system to determine voters, make changes or additions to the data if necessary, and print the voter lists on paper.


The unified electronic voter list is clarified by the relevant precinct election commissions during the election campaign.


In international practice, the concept of a "voter register" is also used - this refers to a set of data on all voters eligible to vote in a particular election. The term "register" implies administrative units that include several polling stations.


The unified electronic voter list is formed based on information provided by authorized state bodies: data for voter identification is provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, cadastral data on residence - by the Cadastral Service. These data are updated and clarified by precinct election commissions during the election campaign.


The process of forming the Unified Electronic Voter List is automated through the Election Process Management Information System by integrating with departmental information systems and databases via secure communication channels. The system provides tools for distributing voters by precincts with the ability to make changes to the Unified Electronic Voter List, as well as allows voters to familiarize themselves with information about their polling stations and submit a request to change the polling station.


The Election Process Management Information System distributes user rights for access to data from the Unified Electronic Voter List and making changes to the lists by polling stations.


The working groups at the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional, and Tashkent city election commissions are provided with the opportunity to make changes and upload the updated Unified Electronic Voter List based on the data identified by precinct election commissions during the door-to-door visits and the elimination of deficiencies and inaccuracies in the voter lists.


Before the election day or on election day, voters who have reached the age of eighteen are included in the Unified Electronic Voter List.


State bodies provide the State Personalization Center with the relevant information in electronic form.


Within three days after the formation of each precinct election commission, it receives the preliminary list of voters of this precinct from the Unified Electronic Voter List through the computer of the district election commission.


The voter list, unlike the voter register, is a set of data on all voters eligible to vote and included in a specific polling station.


During the election campaign, these data are distributed by the Central Election Commission by electoral districts after their formation and by district election commissions by polling stations after their formation. In doing so, the number of voters at one polling station should not be less than 20 and not more than 3000 people.


The responsible member of the district election commission for working in the Election Process Management Information System provides the precinct election commission member with access to this system.


After receiving their voter list, the precinct election commission clarifies it by going around the streets and apartment buildings in their precinct, checking the correct entry of personal data and addresses of residence of all voters included in this list.


If necessary, discrepancies in the list are eliminated in cooperation with the internal affairs and cadastral services.


The unified electronic voter list, distributed by polling stations by the district election commission through the Election Process Management Information System, may undergo changes in the voter lists.


It is important to note that information about voters who voted early is entered into the Election Process Management Information System by precinct election commissions, which prevents the voter from voting a second time at another polling station.


Every citizen has the right to apply to the precinct election commission in case of errors and inaccuracies in the voter list. The precinct election commission considers complaints about not being included in the voter list, incorrect inclusion or exclusion from it, as well as inaccuracies in the data about the voter, and takes measures to ensure their electoral rights in the prescribed manner.


In conclusion, the Unified Electronic Voter List plays an important role in implementing the principle of "one voter - one vote" and in the prompt maintenance of data on voter turnout in the electoral process.


Bahodirjon Yunusov
Member of the Central Election Commission



Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 28, 2020 No. 1040 "On the final report of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan 'Elections - 2019: achievements, problems, proposals'"

Appendix 1 to the Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 28, 2020 No. 1040 "On the final report of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan 'Elections - 2019: achievements, problems, proposals'", page 18

Manual for Observing Voter Registration. Published by OSCE ODIHR. ul. Miodowa 10, 00-251 Warsaw, Poland, page 15.

Manual for Observing Voter Registration. Published by OSCE ODIHR. ul. Miodowa 10, 00-251 Warsaw, Poland, page 15

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