Our mission

Central Election Commission shall:


head the system of election commissions formed for conducting the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, carries out the control over the execution of the present Code throughout the Republic of Uzbekistan, ensure its uniform application;


announce the start of the election campaign on the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, deputies of the Legislative Chamber and local Kengashes;


provide methodological support for the activities of election commissions, within its powers, adopts resolutions, approves instructions and regulations, provides clarifications on the organization of elections;


provide general guidance and coordination of activities on the implementation of Information management system of the electoral process and the use of a Single electronic list of voters of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter — the Single electronic list of voters);


form election constituencies for the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and deputies of the Legislative Chamber;


resolve the matters of assigning polling stations formed under the diplomatic and other representations of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign countries to the relevant election constituencies;


form the district election commissions for elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and deputies of the Legislative Chamber and publish information about their location;


establish the procedure for introducing amendments to the composition of election commissions;


cancel the decisions of the territorial election commissions either independently or upon the presentation of the General Prosecutor of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the case if these decisions contravene with the present Code;


issue mandates to the observers from foreign states, international organizations at elections;


develop and approve the expenditure budget for the preparation and conduct of elections, distribute funds to election commissions, including the financing of political parties’ participation in elections, supervise the provision of election commissions with premises, transport and communication facilities, consider other matters related to material and technical support of elections;


determine a sample mandate for observers of political parties, citizens’ self-governing bodies, representatives of mass media, observers from other states, international organizations;


make decision on admission of political parties to participate in the elections on the basis of the submitted documents;


accept relevant documents from the political parties nominating candidates for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and deputies of the Legislative Chamber;


register candidates for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and candidates for deputies of the Legislative Chamber, organize publication of the lists of registered candidates and information on them in the press and issuance of certificates for them;


register the proxies of candidates for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and issue them certificates;


provide equal conditions of participation at the elections for candidates to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and candidates to deputy of the Legislative Chamber;


establish samples and forms of ballot papers on the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, deputies of the Legislative Chamber and members of the Senate, voter lists, signature lists, protocols of election commissions and other documents, ballot boxes and seals of election commissions, determines their storage order.


determine the procedure for the preparation and delivery of ballot papers to polling stations;


hear the information of representatives of election commissions, political parties, ministries, state committees and agencies, local authorities, other state bodies and public associations on matters associated with preparation and conduct of elections;


summarize the results of elections, determine the total voting results in the Republic of Uzbekistan and publish the information about the number of voters who participated in voting and the number of votes cast for each candidate;


in cases provided for by the present Code, organize repeat voting, holding repeat elections and election for vacant position of retired deputies of the Legislative Chamber or members of the Senate, as well as holding repeat voting and repeat election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;


register elected deputies of the Legislative Chamber and members of the Senate and publish their lists in the press and in other sources;


convene the first post-election meeting of the Legislative Chamber, the Senate;


hand on to the elected person a certificate on election as the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;


issue to the deputy of Legislative Chamber and members of Senate a certificate and a breastplate respectively of the Deputy of Legislative Chamber and Member of the Senate;


shall consider appeals from voters and other participants in the electoral process, with the exception of complaints about actions and decisions of election commissions, and makes decisions on them;


submit materials on violation of requirements of the present Code to the court or law enforcement bodies;


carry out international cooperation with representatives of electoral bodies of other countries, international organizations and foreign states, organize meetings, sign agreements and memorandums;


participate in election observation in foreign countries, including missions of international organizations;


invite international organizations, electoral bodies and representatives of foreign states for election observation;


ensure that the documents relating to the organization and holding of elections are submitted to the departmental archives;


approve the Regulation of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan;


strengthen and develop relations with public and the mass media;


exercises other powers provided for by this Code and other laws.