


In our country, events dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Appreciation and the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War, as well as scientific, practical and creative research are ongoing.

In our country, events dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Appreciation and the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War, as well as scientific, practical and creative research are ongoing.

As stated by the head of our state, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, all of us, first of all, bow and bow before the pure souls of our compatriots who sacrificed their lives for the motherland. We respectfully mention the names of the participants of the war and the labor front - our determined and brave ancestors, our patient mothers and aunts.

Ambassador Abdusalomov is one of those people who deserve such high respect. He would have lived to be 100 years old. His bravery on the battlefields during the war years and on the labor front in the subsequent period is worthy of an example.


In the summer of 1941, the first "black letter" that arrived in the village of Sovat, Hovos district, Syrdarya region, made Abdusalam Baba's heart break. Tunguchi - The wayfarer's chest was pierced by the bullets of the fascists who were closed to the world like a disaster.

In one black night, the long-suffering farmer's dark hair turned gray and his white face turned black as coal. But neither he nor his wife was able to do it. It burned from the inside without letting it out.

The Wayfarer, who went down to the Hereafter before the end of his path, was left with neither suspicion nor target.

It was the Ambassador's turn to comfort and support his parents. The specter of war and death, which conquered half the world, was felt at every step and every second.

The couple was thankful day and night that the second child from a family with a "black letter" was not drafted into the army. Then this hope also became a victim of the war.

On that cold autumn evening, which the family had been waiting for with great fear, he came quietly into the low thatched house in the courtyard:

- I'll go now, father! said the second son. - Give me a white blessing!

Her husband glared at her as the mother clung to the Ambassador's wrist. Iqbal Khan was a beautiful woman. Turned it off. To this day, this is how it is in this family - a woman considers husbandry to be an honor, not a law or a curse. This is not his weakness, but his wisdom and greatness. This is the reason for the blessing in his life, the righteousness of his children, and the high prestige of his family in the country.

Father bowed his head. The grief that is crushing him is getting worse. He swallowed. The sound of "Kult" was heard all over the place. Father swallowed a stone stuck in his throat.

Later, almost sixty years later, in the year 2000, when he was over eighty years old and had the opportunity to hand over his deposit to Yartagan in agreement with his children, Ambassador Abdusalomov remembered this scene a lot and said, "Father, thank you very much He was a patient person," he says, and his tired eyes and face light up.

Grandpa Abdusalam, who was crushed by the scar of a child, was shy and soft-spoken, but he did not find what was in me.

"You should take your time, my child," he said.

The boy rubs his broad forehead:

- I can't look people in the eye, father. Everyone is gone except me...

"He won't take you?" Your brother was martyred...

- He will. I will apply myself...

"Okay... Good luck, my son!"

The father opened his folded hands in prayer, and the mother, shamelessly burning her cheeks with tears streaming from her dimmed eyes, joined in:

- Dear God! Keep our child in your shelter!

Two days later, when they said goodbye in his arms, the father said:

- Be brave, my son! - he said with a trembling voice. - Don't get used to being afraid. If you learn, you will suffer a lot. Remember: God will do what He says, not Hitler!

Maybe these words today seem to some to be the fabric of the author: "Yes, it's white, it's journalists! Can his slave enter hell by himself?"


If that servant has honor and dignity, he can enter!

All the men in the village who could afford to take up arms went to the front, and among the old men, women, and children whose husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers were bleeding in the battles, there was that one servant - a young man. if he is alone. If enduring their painful, sad looks and reproaches becomes a severe pain than death, if the fate of their country and people is in danger, they will enter hellfire!

Never let anyone go to war!

The nineteen-year-old Elchiboy changed the coat his mother gave him to a soldier's cap. He picked up a rifle for the first time in his life at the military training ground near Kattarkurgan.

Then the train took him to Europe like thousands of his peers. From the wagons connected along the way, the train stretched out, and the ranks of young men who took their seats kept getting bigger and bigger.

Such echelons are the children of the Uzbeks, nearly two million, who were taken from the bosom of the four and a half million inhabitants of Uzbekistan during the Second World War. So many people were mobilized for war.

Twenty miles before Moscow, the echelon was fired upon by two planes. Followed by "go

ra kuzgunlar" group dropped bombs.

Doomsday has come.

A number of young men, who were just joking with each other, jumped out of the carriages and scattered like sedans overturned on a white table. Before he could say "Oh", it was poured out like soot.

"Be brave, my son!"

Elchiboy Abdusalomov, the second son of Baba Abdusalam, yesterday's peasant boy, now an ordinary soldier, met his fate in this village for the first time. It was here that he realized the horror of war, the brutality of invaders, the safety of human life, the sweetness of life, and the value of peace.

However, he did not panic too much: "It will be what God says, not Hitler!"

He continued his battles against Yov from the threshold of Moscow to Berlin.




Slave is OPEN

Source: "Hurriyat" newspaper.

June 10, 2020.

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