


It should be noted with satisfaction that September 20, 2019 will be marked as a date of undoubted historical importance in the social and political life of Uzbekistan, which is renewing, living, opening new pages of its democratic development, and adapting to the world community by implementing intense humane reforms.

It should be noted with satisfaction that September 20, 2019 will be marked as a date of undoubted historical importance in the social and political life of Uzbekistan, which is renewing, living, opening new pages of its democratic development, and adapting to the world community by implementing intense humane reforms.

On this day, the Central Election Commission, which has a constitutional and legal status and the main principles of its activity are independence, legality, collegiality, transparency and fairness, made a decision to announce a new day of elections in the new Uzbekistan, using its powers. According to it, December 22, 2019 was announced as the day of elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Parliament of our country and local councils of people's deputies.

There is a real reason to call new Uzbekistan, new elections.

Firstly, in recent years, in accordance with the Strategy of Actions and the Concept of Administrative Reforms, which includes the five priority directions for the development of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, the state power and management bodies have been renewed, their numbers have been optimized, and redundant, non-specific, declarative functions have been canceled. , the quality of staff serving in them is increasing.

Talented, promising, enterprising young people who have thoroughly acquired modern knowledge, thoroughly studied the experience of developed democratic legal states, joined the ranks of civil servants with many years of experience in management, and created a unique, in turn, humane and fair, "People should not serve state agencies, state bodies should serve our people." They strictly adhere to the slogan and apply it to life.

In particular, every employee and employee of the state and government bodies conducts traveling meetings with the people in remote areas and, if necessary, goes from house to house, studying the socio-economic shortcomings that have accumulated over the years, issues of concern to citizens, and eliminating them as soon as possible. is taking measures to In our country, they are working diligently to improve the country, improve the life of our people, and make their lives more prosperous within the framework of popular programs such as "Obod Mahalla", "Obod Kishloq", "Five Important Initiatives". In Uzbekistan, the slogan "Unity of word and deed" is strictly followed in terms of protection of human rights, protection of legal interests, and provision of well-being of the population.

Secondly, freedom of speech, freedom of belief, freedom of the press, diversity of opinions and bigotry have been opened up. Our country is improving the positive image of the new Uzbekistan in front of the world community by further strengthening its close neighborly and strategic partnership relations with the countries of the world, and its cooperative relations with international organizations and financial institutions.

The reason why we say new elections is that this year's elections will be organized and held in accordance with the new, comprehensive Election Code adopted on June 25, 2019.

The new election code has a sharp difference from the laws that legally regulated the election process.

First of all, this code is based on international legal norms and standards for conducting democratic, open, transparent and free elections, the positive experience of developed countries, as well as the history of ancient statehood, our people with their indelible humane and fair values - social justice, tolerance, unity of words and deeds. embodies such unique ideas and values. Written in simple and fluent language.

Secondly, the previous election process was regulated by 5 laws on the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on the election to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on the election of People's Deputies to regional, district, and city councils, on the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and on the guarantees of citizens' electoral rights. Naturally, the norms in it were composed of scattered, sometimes repeating or contradicting norms. Also, some important issues were not regulated by the law, but by the Regulations or instructions of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which caused a number of inconveniences for its users, practitioners, including international observers.

Thirdly, despite the fact that the Parliament is a body formed by directly electing the deputies of the Legislative Chamber, 150

15 of the deputy seats were reserved for representatives of the Ecological Movement of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which did not have the status of a political party. In addition to political parties, citizens' self-government bodies also had the right to nominate candidates for deputyship of district and city councils of People's Deputies.

The existence of norms like the above, in turn, did not correspond to the democratic principle of the election, which states that the states holding elections should create the same and equal conditions for all participants in the election process. In the new code, such loopholes have been eliminated. A new Ecology Party was formed in our country. The political space of the country was completely presented to political parties. Citizens' self-governing bodies were given the right to appoint observers to monitor the organization and conduct of future elections in accordance with international standards for the organization and conduct of democratic elections, as well as the requirements of national legislation. Until then, this right was given only to representatives of political parties and international organizations and foreign countries.

In general, there are more than 30 democratic innovations and changes between the main norms of the new election code and the norms of the previous electoral law. In the process of organizing and conducting elections, they will certainly be applied to our political and legal life.

In short, the democratic processes in Uzbekistan have taken an irreversible and inevitable shape. The elections to the parliament and local councils of our country in December this year will be another important practical step in further strengthening our national independence and raising Uzbekistan to the ranks of developed, democratic countries in the world. It opens up new opportunities for all our people, especially our youth, to express their dreams and aspirations.

The Central Election Commission, regional, district, city election commissions, as well as district and precinct election commissions are responsible for conducting democratic elections in the new Uzbekistan at a high level, in accordance with the norms of international law and the requirements of national legislation - legality, equality, freedom, generality. , they mobilize all their knowledge, opportunities and experience to organize and conduct in full compliance with the unique, humane principles of openness and fairness.

Khudoyar Mamatov

Head of the Secretariat of the Central Election Commission,

doctor of legal sciences, professor

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