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Election terminology

  • Persuasion

    The process of influencing voters' opinions and attitudes through social media and Mass media.


  • Internet strategy

    A long-term series of activities aimed at establishing communication with targeted groups (online audience) of a candidate or political party, ensuring effective engagement, and expanding the audience.

  • Big Event Strategy

    A collective effort by Mass media journalists who highlight and promote a candidate's election campaign at no cost. In this scenario, financial resources and operational energy are significantly leveraged.


  • Cruiser strategy

    A tactic used by candidates who rely heavily on early campaigning to maintain their position and presence in the electorate.


  • Marginal

    (фр. maginal) – on the edge; secondary, peripheral; in political science – a social person who has abandoned previous social ties, not yet adapted to new life conditions, positioned among specific social groups or on the fringes, outside mainstream society: lumpen, poor, and the like.

  • Mass media monitoring

    Activity aimed at observing, studying, analyzing, and drawing conclusions based on OAV (Open Air Voting) within specific periods and precise criteria.


  • Image

    A style, appearance, type, or character created in literary works.


  • Opposition in Parliament

    Political party factions or groups of deputies that do not join the path, strategies, or certain directions of the newly formed government.