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It is known that in accordance with Articles 21, 23 and 25 of the Election Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, district and precinct elections for the Dzhokorgi Council of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, People's Deputies, regional, district, city councils, citizens' self-government bodies, election commissions, public associations, enterprises, institutions and organizations the mechanisms of recommending candidates for membership of commissions are explained.
It is difficult to imagine elections without the activity of district and precinct election commissions.

It is known that in accordance with Articles 21, 23 and 25 of the Election Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, district and precinct elections for the Dzhokorgi Council of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, People's Deputies, regional, district, city councils, citizens' self-government bodies, election commissions, public associations, enterprises, institutions and organizations the mechanisms of recommending candidates for membership of commissions are explained.

Article 25 of the Election Code stipulates that more than half of the members of the precinct election commission cannot be recommended from one organization as one of the requirements for election commission members. In order to implement this rule, it is of practical importance to study the possibilities in the regions.

In particular, when forming the members of the precinct election commission: 

- from citizens who have work experience in preparing for and conducting elections, who have gained reputation among the population;

- from unemployed citizens registered in district (city) employment assistance centers;

- non-governmental non-profit organizations (territorial divisions of the Committee of Women and Girls, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Council of Farmers, "Nuroni" Foundation, Youth Union, Society of the Disabled, regional councils for coordinating the activities of citizens' self-government bodies, citizens' self-government bodies, etc. ) representatives;

- persons with legal knowledge and qualifications, i.e. jurisconsults, lawyers;

- specialists who know foreign languages ​​are recommended to use reserves.

At the same time, taking into account the use of the unified electronic list of voters in the upcoming elections, at least two persons with knowledge and practical skills in the fields of information and communication technologies should be included in each district and precinct election commission to work with the computer programs of the electoral process management information system and the unified electronic list of voters. It is desirable to be a member.

Candidates for the membership of district election commissions holding elections for people's deputies, district and city councils within three days after the formation of electoral districts shall be discussed at a citizens' assembly or a meeting of citizens' representatives or at a citizens' assembly council in accordance with the procedure established by Articles 21 and 22 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Citizens' Self-Governing Bodies". According to the results of discussion and discussion, the People's Deputies will accept the report of the meeting of citizens on recommending a candidate for the membership of the district election commission holding elections to the district and city councils and will be included in the district and city election commission.

In addition, when forming the pool of candidates for the membership of the precinct election commission, citizens' self-governing bodies, public associations, enterprises, institutions and organizations, on their own initiative or based on the proposals of the People's Deputies of district, city councils or district, city election commissions, discuss the pool of candidates and select at least 50 candidates for the election. people's deputies can recommend a proposal to district and city councils for consideration in the rest of the day.

It is a novelty that the number of commission members is set in relation to the number of voters in the polling station.

That is:

- if the number of voters in the polling station is up to 200, the number of members of the precinct election commission is 5-7;

- if the number of voters is from 201 to 500, the number of members is

- if the number of voters is from 501 to 1000, the number of members is

- if the number of voters is from 1001 to 1500, the number of members is

- if the number of voters is from 1501 to 2000, the number of members is

- if the number of voters is from 2001 to 2500, the number of members is

- if the number of voters is 2,501 or more, the number of members of the precinct election commission can be set at 17-19.

In particular, there must be the following grounds for finding that the members of the district and precinct election commissions have left the commission: According to the commission member's application or the decision of the body that approved him as a commission member, or

- when elected to another election commission;

- when becoming a member of a political party;

- when appointed (confirmed) as the governor of a region, district, city;

- when appointed (elected) to a position in charge of the prosecutor's office or court;

- when the close relatives of the commission member (child, parents, brothers, sisters, grandfather, grandmother) or persons directly subordinate to the commission member are registered as a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a deputy or a representative of the candidate

- When he is registered as a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a deputy or a representative of the candidate, he is considered to have left the commission.

Bahadirjon Yunusov

Member of the Central Election Commission

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