


If we look at a building separately, if its foundation is made of concrete, thin wood, the wall is made of brick, and the roof is closed according to the method, then we believe that the building is strong. Because the criteria are the basis for making the same conclusion. Let's apply this analogy to human qualities such as courage and fortitude! Based on what measurements can we conclude that these qualities are as strong as metin?
January 14 - Defender of the Fatherland Day

Khudoyar MAMATOV,

doctor of legal sciences, professor


If we look at a building separately, if its foundation is made of concrete, thin wood, the wall is made of brick, and the roof is closed according to the method, then we believe that the building is strong. Because the criteria are the basis for making the same conclusion. Let's apply this analogy to human qualities such as courage and fortitude! Based on what measurements can we conclude that these qualities are as strong as metin?

Of course, this issue requires serious analysis. Even in ancient times, scholars were confused about this topic. They tried to understand the nature of these human feelings. In this regard, many works have been created and views have been expressed. For example, if a person's life is in danger and he fights valiantly in order to protect himself, he cannot literally be called a brave and tenacious person. Because qualities such as honor, duty, and patriotism hardly take part in this process. In such a situation, any person is in the act of not giving up. After all, if he comes empty handed, his life will be ruined. However, this loss is worth the temporary pity. Or: "It is not sad or miserable to be equal in wealth, even to lose one's life!" - says one of the ancient Roman philosophers Epiclet. "If a person loses his real property, his real essence - his human dignity, it is sad and pitiful!"

The bravery and tenacity of a brave person is manifested only when his life is put on the line for the protection of the country. His efforts and sufferings on this road are counted as courage. After all, for a person, there are the most sacred concepts in this world. One of them is the Motherland! Its scope is so wide that it includes all values. And patriotism means to be at his service, to do his job, to be able to sacrifice one's life if necessary. After all, a person's homeland - where he was born and grew up, where his umbilical cord blood dripped, where he tasted the labor and its products, where he belongs to, the past of the people, the soil of his ancestors is stable - is a historically formed social-economic, political - is a cultural area. The Russian word patriotism also has the same meaning, because its root (Latin - patria) is formed from the words motherland, homeland.

After the collapse of the previous Soviet system and the collapse of the political, economic and cultural relations between the former allied republics, the ideology that had been in practice for almost a century became an unnecessary fabric. A void has appeared in the minds of the population. A superficial look at concepts such as homeland and patriotism began to take shape. This is something that really worries the representatives of the older generation and encourages creative people to be creative. In the 90s of the last century, a social video was often shown on Moscow television. In this movie, the fake patriotism of the youth of that time, a foreign spy who crossed the state border and entered the territory of the country, stops a young man on a motorcycle on a forest road.

    - Look at me, how can I go to the military base? - he asks in a foreign dialect, not afraid to reveal his subversive mission. "If you tell me, I'll give you some gum!" - He shows the boy a piece of foreign gum with shiny paper. A young man with a brand new motorcycle, wearing the latest fashion clothes, and chewing gum in his mouth is furious. Who does this spy think he is? After all, he is not a fool who would sell his country for a piece of gum! The young man, who left the spy with his feelings for his country, steps on the gas. He walks a little and stops.

    - Hey, spy! - he says turning to her. "Next time you come, bring a VCR - we'll talk then!"

Another similar story. A Caucasian uncle, who flew to Moscow to sell his citrus fruits, wakes up because of a commotion in the cabin of the plane. He knew that the terrorists had taken over the plane and were trying to turn it towards Turkey. "That's it? What's the difference to him - he can sell his fruits wherever he is!" Uncle Tukus, who had gone to the pinak, got up with a sudden feeling: "How much do citrus fruits cost in Turkey?"

In Turkey, the price of oranges and tangerines is maddened when they hear that water is free. Flight course

realizes that it cannot be changed. He throws himself at the invaders and destroys them...

Therefore, if a person fights only in self-defense, he does so out of fear or obligation: he is afraid of dying or forces himself to do so in order to stay alive - it has nothing to do with the concept of duty. That's why Democritus, who was the first to give a scientific definition of this philosophical category, said that "a person should refrain from doing some bad things or retreat from the protection of goodness not because of fear or obligation, but because of duty." The French thinker P. Holbach noted that duty is an obligation of a person that cannot be separated from his happiness.

This is where the patriotic courage of our great-grandfathers, highly praised Spitamen, Jalaluddin Manguberdi and Najmuddin Kubro, is embodied before our eyes. It is worth saying that the bravery and tenacity of all three of our grandfathers are the highest form of patriotism in the literal sense. The reason is that they were not lazy in front of the fire. They did not follow the path of compromise, thinking about their well-being. Therefore, when the Mongol troops were closing in on the land of Khorezm like locusts, Genghis Khan sent a secret person to his Majesty Kubro and expressed his immense respect for him. He advises him to leave the land of Khorezm and go to peaceful lands. However, Najmuddin Kubro refuses such "care". He does not fall for the deceptions of the Aghyar, he does not listen to his cries: "Either the independence of the homeland or an honorable death!" - and enters the battle and fights with the enemy. He prefers to be a martyr for the independence of his country than to live without will.

Because of this, Alexander the Great cried when Spitamen's head, cut off due to treason, was brought to the Barkash. Such a husband was saddened by the death of a young man. He ordered his opponent to be buried royally. And Genghis Khan enviously looked after Jalaluddin, the unruly hero, and said: "From now on, if you have a son, name him Jalaluddin!" - he said.

That is why, when it comes to patriotism, concepts such as honor, honor, and value are considered as universal human values that motivate a person to courage and perseverance. In difficult situations, which are extremely dangerous for humanity, it becomes obvious that only the person who takes responsibility is a true patriot.

In the festive greeting of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the defenders of the Motherland on the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the establishment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan: , in the unity and solidarity of our tolerant and noble people. We feel this truth today more than ever. I am sure that as long as there is such a great source of spiritual power, no evil force can threaten the peaceful and peaceful life of our country, the independence of our country, and can never turn us back from the path of our democratic reforms. We are proud of our valuable and brave soldiers - the brave sons of our country who are loyal to their sacred oath and honorably perform their duty both on the ground and in the air." ladi We understand that there is a great meaning behind the efforts to strengthen the economic base and legal foundations of our country in accordance with the strategy of actions, to establish the national idea, the ideology of independence in the minds of the population.

Already, in every speech, the leader of our country pays special attention to the issue of self-awareness, knowing one's history, being proud of it, forming a sense of patriotism and pride in young people, and creating all necessary conditions for them to acquire modern knowledge.

At this point, a poem of the warrior poet Sharifjon Orifi, who was famous at the time, comes to mind. The story called "Bulletless Pistol" was about the capture of the enemy with a bulletless pistol during the battle. In fact, it was concluded from the poem that the poet's love for the motherland, his boundless hatred for the enemy, was powerless in front of this powerful force, not in front of the fascist weapon, which was armed to the teeth.

It is a great event that in the next four years, a lot of attention was paid to the issue of strengthening the defense capabilities of our country, the fundamental reform of the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan and the foundation of the modern image of our national army. It is also known that the combat condition of our troops has improved and the quality of servicemen has changed. The fact that our country does not participate in any military blocs, and has been pursuing a policy of non-alignment, is the modernization process in the military sphere.

it is important only because it aims to maintain the peace of the country and ensure the inviolability of our borders.

As stated in the festive greeting of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the defenders of the Motherland on the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the establishment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, "Four years ago, we carried out the most important reform of the field of military construction in Uzbekistan and we have determined the priority directions. On this basis, we are carrying out large-scale work to strengthen the defense capabilities of our country and develop our Armed Forces. In the past short period, a new defense doctrine was adopted, the composition and tasks of military structures were thoroughly revised, the system of commanding the troops was improved, and there was a great effort to provide our national army with modern weapons and equipment. important projects were implemented. For the first time in our history, a unique system - military-administrative sectors - was established. This method of work made it possible to actively involve the local state authorities in strengthening the defense power of our country. Most importantly, it serves to ensure the great idea that "Army and people are one body and one soul". As a result of such efforts, today the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan are a real guarantee of the independence of our republic and reliable protection of the peaceful and peaceful life of our people. The most important thing is that our national army has become the support and support of the country, capable of striking against any threat and danger, and an important institution for educating young people and servicemen in the spirit of patriotism and loyalty.

Basharti went through a training school, both physically and mentally, at the same time when the countries that are "running the goat" in the field of geopolitics are developing new weapons of mass destruction and demonstrating them in order to scare others. the people's children are not afraid of it. Because they deeply understand who they are, what a great generation they belong to, and that historically this country has a glorious past. Our guards at the borders of the country deeply feel that they cannot take a single step back and that they are obliged to ensure the inviolability of the borders.

Naturally, wherever a person is born, that place is a dear Motherland for him. The place where the blood of the umbilical cord was spilled is a place that cannot be replaced by anything and is more valuable than anything else.

Even the Messenger of God, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, when he was emigrating to Madinah, turned back and looked at Makkah Mukarrama:

They said, "If my people had not forced me to leave Makkah, I would not have left it voluntarily."

It is known from history that when a nation wants to humiliate or oppress another nation, it first conquers and destroys its homeland or expels it from its homeland.

There can be no greater humiliation and suffering for a nation that has seen its homeland in the hands of enemies. After all, the concepts of Motherland, nation, and religion are dearer and more sacred than anything else for a person.

It is not humane to leave one's homeland to save one's life when a difficult day befalls the people. There is also a wise saying in our people: "Be a king in your own country until you are a king in another." A person who thinks about his own well-being and forgets others can never be loyal to his motherland and people.

After all, there is the Motherland behind! Spiritual people know that this word has many sacred meanings. They will not let anyone trample him. Therefore, a soul with such a powerful weapon as human dignity, honor, and dignity can withstand any external influences - it will not collapse. As our grandfather Alisher Navoi said, the greatest, noblest and most sacred duty of a man in this world is to protect his family, Motherland and people.

Therefore, the nation first of all relies on and is rightly proud of its brave and brave sons who are honorably fulfilling the extremely responsible and noble task of protecting the Motherland.

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