Memos for observers

Election Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Article 33. Observers from Political Parties, Citizens' Self-Government Bodies, Other States, and International Organizations


Observers from political parties, citizens' self-government bodies, as well as from other states and international organizations conduct their activities based on mandates issued by the relevant commissions.


Interested organizations must notify the election commissions about their observers at least ten days before the elections.


The election commission issues a mandate for the observer within five days after receiving a request from the interested organization. Mandates for observers from other states and international organizations are issued by the Central Election Commission.


Observers have the right to:


be present at meetings of election commissions;


participate in meetings for the nomination of candidates, meetings of candidates and political parties (representatives) with voters;


be present at the polling station, observe the preparatory work, the arrangement of cabins or rooms for secret voting, and the sealing of ballot boxes, the registration of citizens, and the issuance of ballot papers to them;


be present during the counting of votes and the drafting of the election commission's protocol;


request and receive certified copies of documents on election results from the relevant election commission;


report their observations to the relevant election commission if there are grounds to believe that violations of the requirements of this Code occurred at the relevant polling station.


Observers are prohibited from:


being in the cabin or room for secret voting when the voter is marking their ballot paper;


influencing citizens, distributing any campaign materials or literature;


asking voters how they voted or providing any assistance to voters in marking the ballot paper;


interfering with the activities of the election commission, including the sealing of ballot boxes, their opening, and the counting of votes.


Observers must notify the precinct election commission at least three days before visiting polling stations established in military units, places of detention, and places of deprivation of liberty.