E-government system

The Single interactive state services portal (Single Portal) is a single point of access to interactive public services provided by state agencies.


Provision of online public services through the Single portal is carried out for the applicants that have passed the registration and authorization procedure in accordance with the Regulation on the Procedure for Providing Interactive Public Services through the Single Portal for Interactive Public Services and official websites of State agencies


Aims and objectives of the Single portal:


The Single portal is created to provide users with access to online public services, including on a fee basis.


The main objectives of the Single portal are:

enables users to file appeals directly to government agencies;

integration ofusers with other projects in the field of information and communication technologies;

improves the efficiency of user interaction with public authorities;

reduction and elimination of bureaucratic obstacles and barriers for users interacting with public authorities;

assist in the further development of "e-Government".


The Single Portal is designed to develop the conditions and expand the user’s ability to receive interactive public services through the use modern information technologies.


The use of online public services through the Single Portal


The Single Portal provides the user with interactive and informative online public services.

The consolidated register of online public services (hereinafter - Consolidated register) is approved by the State Commission for coordination of Complex Program implementation. Online public services included in the Consolidated registry, must necessarily be provided through the Single Portal.