Speech of the Chairperson of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Zayniddin NIZAMKHDJAEV, at the BRIEFING.




Speech of the Chairperson of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Zayniddin NIZAMKHDJAEV, at the BRIEFING.


CEC Press Center.

October 27, 2024, 9:00 a.m.


Dear participants of the conference,

Ladies and gentlemen,


Today, October 27, at 8:00 a.m., the elections of deputies to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and local Сouncils (Kengashes) began.


At eight o'clock in the morning, 11,028 polling stations set up by the Territorial Election Commissions opened their doors to voters.


In addition, 57 polling stations, including those established in the eastern countries, have started working in the diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 40 foreign countries.


There is currently regular communication between the Central Election Commission and all Territorial Election Commissions and polling stations.


Voting initially began at polling stations set up by Uzbekistan's missions in Japan, South Korea, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and India.


In this year's elections, 19 million 944 thousand 859 voters of our country were included in the electronic list of voters in the automated election management system. In addition, 165 thousand 631 of our voters are abroad.


This year's elections will be held according to a mixed electoral system in line with the updated Constitution and national electoral legislation.


This system provides for 75 members of the Legislative Chamber to be elected in single-mandate constituencies using  majoritarian electoral system, while the remaining 75 members will be elected using the proportional representation electoral system with party lists.


“My Choice - My Prosperous Homeland!” - This was the slogan of the five political parties active in our country and the candidates they nominated going into the election race.


These are as follows: the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businesspeople – Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan;


the “Milliy Tiklanish” (“National Revival”) Democratic Party of Uzbekistan;


the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan;


the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan;


the “Adolat” (“Justice”) Social Democratic Party.


For the first time in our history, five political parties have nominated 100 percent of candidates for deputies at all levels.


The introduction of the interactive portal “E-Saylov” was also important in this context. Thanks to this system, the political parties were able to contact the Election Commissions immediately to check whether the candidates complied with the law.


The new system makes it much easier for citizens to obtain information about the elections and has fully demonstrated its advantages in preparing for the elections.


In these elections to the Legislative Chamber, 875 candidates were nominated for the Legislative Chamber, 3,625 candidates for the Jokari Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, for the Councils (Kengashes) of People's Deputies in the regions and the city of Tashkent and 24,850 candidates for the district and city Councils (Kengashes) of People's Deputies.


During the election campaign, which took place from September 22 to October 25, no violations of the law were committed by the political parties and their candidates.


The ethical rules for election campaigning signed by the political parties have also borne fruit.


During the early voting period, which took place from October 16 to 23, 1,015,948 voters cast their ballots in our country and 132,667 abroad.


Dear participants of the conference,


For the first time in the history of our country, the organization and conduct of electronic voting on Election Day will be introduced on a trial basis in some polling stations in Tashkent.


It should be noted that electronic voting machines are used to quickly determine the results of votes and elections, ensure the legitimacy of electoral processes and optimize the workload of Election Commissions.


Video cameras were installed in some polling stations in all districts and cities of the country to broadcast the voting process in real time (online) on Election Day.


This will make it possible to follow the election process in real time (online) on the screens of the Press Center of the Central Election Commission, on the official website saylov.uz, as well as on the channel «Oʻzbekiston 24» and other television channels of the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan.


As you can see, you can follow the election process online on the screens of the Press Center of the Central Election Commission, on the official website saylov.uz, as well as on the channel “Uzbekistan 24” and other TV channels of the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan.


According to the information received so far, the elections are conducted in full compliance with our national electoral legislation, with international norms and standards and with the democratic principles of openness, transparency and fairness enshrined therein.


According to the Election Code, every citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan who is entitled to vote has equal voting rights. Elections are free and secret. The will of the voters is not subject to control.


For voters who are unable to go to the polling station for health or other reasons, the Precinct Election Commissions organize voting at the place of residence.


More than 800 foreign and international observers are monitoring the elections.


Currently, 55 thousand observers of political parties and 10 thousand observers of self-governing bodies are observing the elections.


So far, 1,068 representatives of the local and foreign media have been accredited.


As it stands, the CEC has not received any information about violations of electoral legislation during the voting process.


If voters, observers or media representatives identify violations of electoral legislation, they can contact the courts, prosecutor's offices, internal affairs authorities or election commissions.


To this end, information on the telephone numbers of the administrative courts and public prosecutor's offices is available at all polling stations.


Preliminary information on the number of voters as of 11:00 a.m. will be displayed on the display panel in the Press Center.


Thank you for your attention! 

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