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The process of media accreditation has begun




The mass media play an important role in ensuring the openness and transparency of elections. In particular, they enable citizens to exercise their electoral rights, to find out about the main areas of the election programs of political parties and candidates, and at the same time to express their opinions.


The Central Election Commission accredits media representatives to observe the work in preparation for the elections and to participate in all activities related to their implementation.


In this context, the issue of accreditation of media representatives and observers from abroad was discussed at the regular meeting of the Central Election Commission on October 2 this year.


In accordance with the Regulation on the Procedure for Accreditation of Mass Media Representatives during the Election Campaign, approved by Resolution No. 952 of the Central Election Commission dated October 5, 2019, representatives of the mass media are accredited for the wide, prompt and free dissemination of unbiased information during the election campaign, as well as for the organization of their activities in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.



No later than ten days before the elections, the mass media may apply to the Central Election Commission for accreditation of their representatives.


Applications for accreditation of representatives of foreign and local mass media to participate in the events for the preparation and holding of elections of deputies to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and local Councils (Kengashes), which will be held in our country on October 27 this year, will be submitted electronically through the “E-Saylov” information system in a completely new order.


It is worth noting that the accreditation applications will be submitted not only in electronic form, but also in a simplified procedure. In particular, it is no longer necessary to submit together with the application a copy of the certificate of state registration of the mass media outlet, a copy of the employee's identity document, a questionnaire for accreditation of a media representative and an electronic photo.



All this data is automatically generated in the “E-Saylov” information system via a cross-authority integration platform. This makes the accreditation process even easier for the media and contributes to the transparency of the elections.


In accordance with the Resolution of the Central Election Commission, 42 representatives of seven media outlets, namely one television and radio channel, four print media and two web-based media outlets, were accredited on the basis of applications submitted via the “E-Saylov” information system.


The accreditation certificates were also generated automatically via this system and handed out to media representatives in a new, modern form.



Media representatives can report on all events related to the preparation and conduct of elections, attend meetings of election commissions, participate in candidate nomination meetings and meetings of candidates with voters, be informed about the time and place of early voting and observe this process.


In addition, accredited representatives of the mass media are obliged to comply with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Election Code and the resolutions of the Central Election Commission in their activities, to carry their issued ID and identity document when visiting election commissions of all levels, bodies of state power and administration, as well as other organizations, and to present them at the request of officials.


In addition, in accordance with the agenda of the meeting, the issue of accreditation of the next group of international and foreign observers was discussed.


In particular 109 representatives of international organizations such as the CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, the Asian Parliamentary Assembly, the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, the SCO and foreign central electoral authorities such as Malaysia, Maldives, Armenia, Azerbaijan, the Philippines, Georgia, Moldova, Pakistan, Turkey, foreign state authorities, ministries, departments, research institutes from Austria, Armenia, Belarus, Great Britain, Belgium, Spain, Kazakhstan, Korea, Latvia, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Azerbaijan, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Thailand, France, Japan and India have been accredited as observers.


To date, 291 international and foreign observers have been accredited.


Central Election Commission Press Service

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