Measures have been established to ensure public order and security during the elections




Ensuring public order and security is one of the most important issues in the conduct of elections of deputies to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and local Councils (Kengashes). A peaceful and stable situation on Election Day enables voters to vote freely, voluntarily and on the basis of international standards.


Against this background, the regular meeting of the Central Election Commission discussed measures to ensure public order and security during the elections, to protect the territories of the election districts and polling stations from emergencies and to ensure fire safety, as well as the uninterrupted supply of electricity to the buildings of the election commissions and other organizational issues.



In this context, the heads of the Ministry of the Interior, the National Guard, the Ministry of Emergencies and the Ministry of Energy presented information on the work carried out during the election preparations at the meeting.


In particular, in order to ensure security and order, the responsible ministries and departments have installed an additional 332 video surveillance cameras near the polling stations and lighting systems in 528 buildings.



The roads leading to all buildings were also inspected, road signs, road markings and traffic lights were installed and parking lots were set up near 270 buildings.



In addition, information was presented at the meeting on the inspection of fire safety in all polling stations, the organization of preventive inspections in 450 buildings and the provision of primary fire extinguishing agents for 664 buildings.



It was also noted that the Ministry of Energy has taken measures to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the buildings of commissions on Election Day.



In view of the above, the Central Election Commission has taken a decision to ensure public order and security, protection from emergencies and fire safety during the forthcoming elections.



In line with the agenda, 108 representatives of foreign states and international organizations were accredited as international observers and decisions were taken on other issues.



Central Election Commission Press Service

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