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Substantially New and Technologically Advanced Elections Have Been Launched




On July 26, the Central Election Commission held a meeting and a series of events related to the preparation and high-level accomplishment of the upcoming elections for the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and the Kengashes (Councils) of People's Deputies, ensuring full adherence to the Constitution and laws.


According to Article 128 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, elections for the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and the Kengashes of People's Deputies are held on the first Sunday of the third decade of October in the year in which their constitutional term of office expires.


As the term for the current deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and the Kengashes of People's Deputies ends in 2024, the Central Election Commission decided to hold these elections on October 27, 2024, with the campaign officially commencing on July 26.



These elections represent a significant evolution from past practices and occur in a new socio-political framework defined by our Constitution. Key highlights include:


1.Introduction of a Mixed Electoral System: For the first time, elections for the Legislative Chamber will employ a mixed electoral system combining a party-list proportional representation and majoritarian systems. Seventy-five deputies will be elected directly via a majoritarian system, where voters choose specific candidates. The remaining seventy-five deputies will be elected through a proportional system based on party votes.


2. Digitization of Election Processes: The upcoming elections will witness a comprehensive digital transformation across all election commissions and their interactions with other participants. This strategic move will boost efficiency by streamlining processes, reducing paperwork, and cutting down processing times.


3. Enhanced Election Legislation: Significant reforms in line with advanced democratic standards include establishing a new electoral system led by the Central Election Commission and requiring political parties to ensure that at least 40% of their candidates are women. Furthermore, a candidate will be elected based on a relative majority of votes, eliminating the need for repeat voting (second round). A candidate with the highest vote count in their district is considered elected.


4. Strengthened Parliamentarianism: The updated Constitution has increased the number of powers of the Legislative Chamber from 5 to 12 and the Senate from 12 to 18. Additionally, the oversight functions of parliament over executive, judicial, law enforcement agencies, and special services have been expanded. The role of hokims leading local Kengashes of People’s Deputies has been abolished, with 33 powers previously held by hokims now transferred to local Kengashes to enhance their decision-making authority.


The meeting highlighted the elections as a key demonstration of democratic progress and an opportunity for citizens to exercise their constitutional rights to vote, to be elected, and to participate in forming state bodies by democratic means.


The elections will involve the election of 150 deputies to the Legislative Chamber, 56 members to the Senate, 65 deputies to the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, deputies to the regional, Tashkent city, and 208 district and city Kengashes, with approximately 30,000 candidates and nearly 90,000 trusted representatives. Over 120,000 election commission members and more than 70,000 local and international observers are expected to participate.


Considering the vital role of elections in state life and aiming to engage citizens in this process widely, the Central Election Commission announced that the elections will be held under the slogan “My Choice—My Prosperous Homeland.”



The E-saylov information system will be integral in this process, facilitating around 60 electronic interactions among election commissions, political parties, candidates, observers, and media.


Integrated with other electronic platforms, the system automates many procedures in the election process, eliminating human intervention.


This system forms an extensive database of nearly 400,000 election process participants, including election commission members, candidates, and observers. Around 32,000 participants will professionally use the information system, which includes communication through 40 types of SMS notifications.


This system will also provide citizens with comprehensive election-related information, including voter statistics, candidate details, and interactive maps.


The meeting emphasized that the E-saylov information system represents a new level of technological advancement and transparency in elections.


It was also noted that according to Article 37 of the Election Code, only political parties can nominate candidates for deputies to the Legislative Chamber and local Kengashes.


To participate in the elections, political parties must have been registered by the Ministry of Justice at least four months before the announcement of the election campaign and collect at least 40,000 signatures supporting their participation.


Additionally, the meeting approved a calendar plan to ensure that the activities related to conducting the elections are carried out step-by-step within the timelines specified by election legislation. The Central Election Commission, as an impartial and independent constitutional body, will take all necessary measures to prepare for and conduct the upcoming elections in full compliance with national legislation and international election standards, ensuring an open and transparent electoral process.


A Press Center has also been established under the Central Election Commission to facilitate communication and updates.


Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan



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