Information on the meeting of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan on June 27, 2023




On June 27, 2023, at its meeting, the Central Election Commission considered the issues related to the appeals received by the Central Election Commission during the preparation of the presidential elections, accreditation of observers from international organizations and media representatives participating in the presidential elections, and information provided by the chairpersons of some District Election Commissions on the preparation and conduct of the elections.

At the meeting, the members of the Commission first discussed the measures taken as a result of the appeals received by the Central Election Commission during the preparations for the elections, and a decision was made accordingly.

It should be mentioned that the members of the Central Election Commission and the responsible staff of the relevant departments of the Secretariat promptly respond to all appeals from individuals and legal entities in accordance with the law and no appeal is left unprocessed.

According to the agenda, the meeting also discussed the accreditation of international observers and media representatives. In particular, on the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a total of 33 observers from CIS, the SCO and the USA, Moldova and Azerbaijan were accredited.

Also on the basis of the applications received by the CEC, 102 representatives of domestic and foreign media were accredited. To date, the total number of accredited representatives of domestic and foreign media is 1,257.

At the meeting, the heads of 8th Syrdarya, the 13th Kashkadarya and the 14th Tashkent city District Election Commissions reported on the ongoing work in preparation for the early presidential elections and their implementation at a high organizational level and adopted the relevant decision.

Decisions were adopted on all the issues discussed at the meeting.


Central Election Commission

Press Service

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