Information from the persons responsible for preparing the election was heard




These days, preparations are in full swing for the elections of deputies to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and the local  Councils (Kengashes).


In this regard, at its regular meeting on September 27 this year, the Central Election Commission considered the information provided by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the work carried out by the judicial authorities to clarify the electoral legislation, the information system of the Ministry of Digital Technologies to manage the electoral process and the formation of a single electronic list of candidates, the provision of Internet and communication facilities to the election districts and polling stations, as well as issues related to the accreditation of observers from abroad and the results of the examination of complaints from natural and legal persons received during the election campaign.



The conduct of elections on the basis of the Constitution and laws, as well as generally recognized international democratic standards, and their full compliance depends largely on the legal awareness of our citizens in the field of electoral law. In this sense, one of the most important tasks is to promote the manifestation of their political will through the personal participation of each voter in the electoral processes and to improve the legal knowledge of voters about the electoral law.



On this basis, the meeting was informed about the work of the judicial authorities to improve the legal knowledge of the population in the field of electoral law under the motto “My choice - my prosperous homeland”.


It was found that a range of legal explanatory materials (presentations, infographics, brochures, video clips) were provided at the events organized on site.



In addition, more than 20,000 targeted meetings, seminars and round tables were organized. More than 3,500 pieces of information were sent to over 80,000 subscribers to the legal information channel on the social network.


It should be noted that extensive work is being carried out to conduct this year's elections in a technologically new and modern way. In particular, the "E-saylov" information system and an Electoral Process Information Management System will be used during the election campaign in accordance with international standards.



The Ministry of Digital Technologies informed the meeting about the work on the comprehensive implementation of the “E-saylov” system based on the proposals of the Central Election Commission, on the improvement of the Electoral Process Information Management System and on the Single Electronic List of Voters (SELV).


In particular, work to improve the SELV is currently being carried out in 14 regions and 208 cities and districts together with the Ministry of the Interior and the Cadastre Agency.


The Ministry of Digital Technologies, together with the Central Election Commission, has trained over 22,000 Electoral Process Information Management System and SELV operators and 2,428 users of the “E-saylov” system.



For the convenience of voters, a polling station identification service has also been set up on the official website of the Central Election Commission and on the single portal for interactive public services. For the technical support of the Electoral Process Information Management System and “E-saylov” systems, the short number 1209 has been activated and a call center has been set up.


It should be emphasized that the upcoming elections in our country will also be followed with great interest by the international community.


The issue of accreditation of observers from abroad in the elections of deputies of the Legislative Chamber and local Councils (Kengashes) was discussed at the meeting. In the resolution, representatives of some international organizations and foreign states were accredited as foreign observers.



It should be noted that applications for accreditation of foreign observers are received by the Central Election Commission via the "E-saylov" information system.


At the meeting, the complaints received by the Central Election Commission during the election campaign of the deputies of the Legislative Chamber and the local Councils (Kengashes) were also examined and the relevant decisions were taken.


From July 26 to September 23, 2024, the Central Election Commission received 64 complaints, which were examined by the members of the Commission and the relevant departments of the Secretariat on the basis of legal acts and responded to in a timely manner.


Central Election Commission Press Service

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