International observers note good preparation of the elections




Today, October 27, the Central Election Commission held a series of meetings with international observers.


The Chairperson of the Central Election Commission, Z. Nizamkhodjaev, met with members of the Pakistan-Uzbekistan Friendship Group of the Senate of Pakistan led by Irfan Ulhaq Siddiqui and a group of observers from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China led by Sun Lijie, Chairpersons of the Central Election Authorities of Tajikistan - Khudoyorzoda Bakhtiyor, Turkmenistan - Gulmurat Muradov, Pakistan - Sultan Mohammad.






During the dialogue, issues of election preparation and the electoral process itself, its phases, changes and innovations in electoral legislation were discussed.


It was noted that at 08:00 national time, the elections of deputies to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and local Councils (Kengashes) began. 1,128 polling stations set up by the Territorial Election Commissions across the country have begun their work.






Having familiarized themselves with the innovations in the electoral legislation of our country, the guests highly appreciated the positive changes in this area. They also emphasized that the current elections will undoubtedly fully comply with international democratic principles.






A member of the Pakistan-Uzbekistan Friendship Group of the Senate of Pakistan, Irfan Ulhaq Siiddiqui, commented: “The active participation of the citizens speaks for a good organization of the elections. I am sure that voting under the new electoral system with the amendments made to the legislation will help voters cast their votes for their elected representative. It is also important that the new electoral system pays attention to gender equality, i.e. the percentage of female candidates for seats in parliament has been increased from 30% to 40%. Such an indicator does not even exist in the developed countries of the world”.






The Chairperson of the Central Election Commission of Azerbaijan, Mazahir Panahov, noted that the members of the delegation had observed voting at a number of polling stations since early morning and concluded that the process was organized qualitatively in accordance with the Election Code. Elections held in accordance with international standards ensure openness and transparency.






“One aspect should be noted - the elections are organized at a high level. We come not only to observe the elections, but also to study the practice of election organization and subsequently introduce the best practices in our country”, - noted the Chairperson of the Central Election Commission of Tajikistan, Khudoyorzoda Bakhtiyor. He positively assessed the work on equipping polling stations with the necessary technology and election equipment, as well as the training of members of the Precinct Commissions, and separately emphasized the availability of comprehensive information about the candidates for deputies and the election programs of political parties and candidates.





It should be noted that members of observer missions and representatives of foreign delegations are visiting polling stations in various regions of the Republic and observe the electoral process.

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