


 Empowering the younger generation, especially rural youth, to acquire knowledge, enhance their interest in science, utilize information technologies, and actively participate in the socio-political life of society is an ongoing priority task that requires continuous attention.


In order to implement a systematic and organized state policy aimed at empowering youth, the Youth Affairs Agency has established the Youth Academy to broaden the involvement of youth in the field of knowledge. Additionally, more than 830 non-governmental organizations are actively working to protect the interests of young boys and girls.


To address issues related to youth in parliament and to increase the attention of parliament members to youth issues, a "Youth Parliament" is operating within the Legislative Chamber and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis. This political platform serves to directly monitor the parliamentary activities related to youth, engage them in the legislative process, conduct outreach and motivation activities among youth, involve them in resolving issues they are concerned about, support the development of competent young professionals, and enhance their sense of responsibility towards the nation.


A series of documents are being adopted to seamlessly and effectively implement the state policy towards youth in accordance with modern requirements. In the "Year of Supporting Youth and Strengthening Public Health" State Program, attention to youth in our country, the conditions created in various areas of societal life, the realization of their potential, and finding their place in life, especially through the widespread involvement of youth in higher education, the acquisition of talented young specialists through prestigious foreign education, scientific and other institutions, and further improving the system for protecting socially vulnerable youth, selecting personnel, and enhancing their skills have been identified as key measures.


In addition to supporting youth solidarity and fostering the development of new generations of talented individuals among young people, the "Additional Action Plan for the Implementation of the State Policy on Youth at the Uzbekistan Youth and Students Forum" also includes measures aimed at ensuring the implementation of top-priority tasks in the field of state policy for youth.


The concept of developing state policy for youth in Uzbekistan until 2025 includes strategic goals and priority areas aimed at enhancing the empowerment of youth, preparing competent young professionals for public service, ensuring competitiveness in the labor market, increasing social activity, and supporting youth community organizations and volunteer movements. The implementation of these measures contributes to the independent decision-making and increased sense of responsibility among the younger generation within their sphere of influence.


Efforts to enhance citizens' political and legal literacy through organized activities facilitate their active participation in elections and help them make informed choices. Electoral culture, shaped by electoral institutions and public information channels, is an integral part of civil society. Developing political awareness among youth, adopting innovative approaches in electoral education and training, utilizing forms that attract youth attention, and implementing innovative solutions are highly effective in fostering youth participation.


The National Action Plan for Enhancing Electoral Culture, focusing on increasing the electoral literacy of students and young people, encompasses measures to improve their knowledge of the electoral process.


Elections are a crucial indicator of democratic governance, representing the process of making political and legal decisions. The right to participate in elections is a constitutional right of every citizen, enabling them to express their will freely and thereby demonstrating significant political responsibility in state and societal affairs.


Youth are agents of social and political change, introducing new trends and technologies into life. Uzbekistan's Central Asian states have a youthful population, with an average age of 27.6 years. Youth aged 14 to 30 represent 60% of the population, with approximately 33% of them eligible to vote.


Citizens' electoral rights are regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Electoral Code, and a series of laws and regulatory documents.


The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan recognizes citizens' direct participation in social and state affairs through their representatives, the right to vote and be elected to state governing bodies. The right to vote, freedom of expression of one's will, and freedom of choice are guaranteed by law.


One of the foundations contributing to the extensive engagement of youth in state and societal affairs is the right of young men and women aged 21 to participate in local councils and, from the age of 25, to be elected as deputies to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and become members of the Senate. In the national parliamentary elections held in 2019, political parties nominated 14 candidates under the age of 30 for seats in the Legislative Chamber, with 9 of them, or 64.2%, being elected as deputies.


The participation of youth in electoral commissions is also a highly effective means of service. In 2019, 8.9% of members of district electoral commissions conducting elections for the Legislative Chamber were under the age of 30, while 18.4% of members of precinct electoral commissions were youth aged 30 and under.


In the current year, during the presidential elections in Uzbekistan, 9% of members of district electoral commissions conducting elections were aged under 30, and precinct electoral commission members constituted 17.3% of youth.


This is another manifestation of the constant attention and care given to creating necessary conditions for protecting the rights and interests of youth in our country, enabling them to demonstrate their capabilities.


The electoral institution for youth is a form of their participation in political life. Citizens of Uzbekistan who have reached the age of 18 have the right to monitor election day and the vote counting process. Such experience, familiarizing oneself with the quality of election preparation work, the continuity of the actions of electoral commissions, and the protection of the rights of election participants, is important in preparing for future improvements in this field.


Elections in our country are conducted openly and transparently based on the principle of universal, equal, and direct suffrage, meaning each vote is counted, and each voter contributes to the formation of state bodies through the election process.


Until the day of the election or until the age of eighteen, citizens aged eighteen are registered as voters. Our youth, aged 18 and above, have the right to vote regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, attitude to religion, social background, beliefs, personal and social status, occupation type, and characteristics.


The electoral law provides for the possibility for non-resident voters who, for various reasons, do not have the opportunity to vote in the place of residence to vote in advance. To exercise the right to vote before the deadline, the voter submits a request based on a specific reason to the relevant precinct electoral commission and fills out the ballot in a specially equipped hidden voting booth or room.


In cases where some voters cannot come to the polling station due to their health condition or other reasons, the relevant precinct electoral commission organizes voting for them at the place where they are present upon their request.


Furthermore, the realization of the electoral rights of citizens, including youth, is not neglected beyond the borders of various states around the world.


In foreign countries, 54 precinct electoral commissions were established to conduct the presidential election of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 37 states.


Our youth residing in foreign countries have the opportunity to appeal to the precinct electoral commissions established by the diplomatic and other representative offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign countries to register them in the voter list at least fifteen days before the election in written form or electronically through the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


For this purpose, an interactive service has been created on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan, allowing Uzbek citizens to apply electronically to register in the voter list.


All stages of election preparation and its conduct, dissemination of information about candidates and their electoral platforms, as well as the critical areas specified in their programs and manifestos, are extensively covered in a timely manner through public announcements, as well as wide dissemination in mass media and social networks, creating conditions for young voters to make important decisions for themselves and the future of their homeland.


To provide prompt dissemination of such information, the website www.saylov.uz has been updated, the portal "saylov2021.uz" has been launched, and the "saylov2021" mobile application has been released.


According to the electoral law, citizens' electoral rights are protected within the framework of a well-defined electoral procedure, and electoral commissions, government bodies, and officials can be sued for any illegal actions. If there are less than six days left until the election, the complaint will be considered immediately within three days.


Importantly, the decision on resolving the complaint is made promptly, and it must be submitted to the relevant electoral commission and the applicant immediately for immediate execution.


Participation of youth in electoral processes, not only as voters but also as candidates or participants in electoral institutions, contributes to their comprehensive understanding of this area, shaping their political views and engaging in dialogue, enhancing experience, and applying it in their activities.


During the "Election-2021" campaign period


In the press center, seminars and trainings were conducted with the participation of the Youth Parliament in the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, the Youth Parliament in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, the "Future Leaders" club, the Youth Affairs Agency, and members of the "My Homeland" TV channel "Journalists' School". In collaboration with the Youth Affairs Agency, 20 Uzbek and Russian language informational video lessons titled "Youth Voter 2021" were created. These video lessons were posted on the "saylov.uz" website as well as on the social media pages of the Central Election Commission and the Youth Affairs Agency.




To enhance youth participation in the election, on September 21, the Central Election Commission and the National Association of Electronic Public Information Platforms announced the "Election-2021" video competition among students, youth, and young journalists. The competition included nominations for the best news video, the best directed video, the best animated video, and the special prize of the jury. Three winners were selected from each nomination, and cash prizes were awarded to the winners and runners-up.




In collaboration with the Central Election Commission, the "International Press Club" launched the "International Press Club: Election-2021" project. The first guests of the project were members of the Youth Parliament.


On June 19, a session on the topic "Election system: fair, transparent, and democratic" was organized at the "International Press Club". Representatives from the Central Election Commission, the Ministries of Justice and Finance, and representatives of political parties participated. The session was broadcast live on the "O'zbekiston 24" and "UzReport" TV channels.