
The Central Election Commission (CEC) of the Republic of Uzbekistan, based on protocols from district election commissions, from 20 million 798 thousand and 52 voters who included to the voters lists, 18 million 942,349 of them participated in the voting. This amounts 91.08% of total number of voters. 17 million 122,597 or 90.39% voted in favor of Islam Abduganievich Karimov, a candidate from the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen - Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, Akmal Kholmatovich Saidov candidate from thr  Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Milliy Tiklanish” voted by 583,309 or 2.92% voters, Hotamjon Ketmonov from the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan voted by 552,309 or 2.92%voters. Narimon Majitovich Umarov  collected 389,224 or 2.05% of the total number of votes.


The election was attended by 299 observers from 43 states of America, Europe, Asia and Africa and five international organizations: the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the World Association of Electoral Bodies and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and it is a vivid proof that elections held according to the democratic and transparent manner. More than 35,000 observers from political parties also participated in monitoring process of the elections.


The presidential election was covered by almost 600 domestic and over 180 foreign mass media, including about 180 foreign and national internet publications. The Republican Press Center and the regional press centers with the participation of over 980 domestic and foreign journalists have held more than 70 press conferences, briefings and online briefings which dedicated to important stages of election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. More than 12,750 articles, tv and radio materials have been broadcasted.