


"The experience gained in China will be very useful for Sharif Shirinbayev's activities in Iran," says Khudoyberdi aka Sohibov. - In the Persian Gulf, he is now known as "Abdu Qadirboy, the son of Khudoyberdiboy from Samarkand".

The courage of the caravan leader

"The experience gained in China will be very useful for Sharif Shirinbayev's activities in Iran," says Khudoyberdi aka Sohibov. - In the Persian Gulf, he is now known as "Abdu Qadirboy, the son of Khudoyberdiboy from Samarkand".

Iran played an important role in Hitler's plan. The goal was, first of all, to conquer the Caucasus and in this way to block the way of weapons, raw materials and food supplied to the USSR by the USA and Great Britain.

In the spring of 1942, Sharif Shirinboyev started working as the deputy head of the trade representative office of the Soviet government in the Khorasan region of Iran. Under the shadow of this status, he successfully performs many combat missions.

It is known from history that in 1943, when Hitler found out that the leaders of the so-called "Big Three" countries - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain - were gathering in Tehran, he brought his "trusted mountain", the former ruler of Italy, Benito Mussolini, who escaped from prison who made a name for himself as a master spy, sends his best subversives to Iran, led by Otto Scorsese. The Nazis begin a top secret operation to eliminate three Allied leaders - Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. The situation becomes so precarious that the President of the United States, Franklin Roosevelt, is forced to spend the night in Stalin's residence, leaving his embassy behind. Among those who ensured the peaceful passage of this universal conference, where the fate of the world was decided, the employees of the special services of the three countries, including the Uzbek intelligence officer Sharif Shirinbayev, played a decisive role.

As agreed at the meeting of the "Big Three" held from November 28 to December 1, in June 1944, a "second front" will be opened by the troops of the United Kingdom and the United States through the Normandy coast (France), and Hitler, caught between the two will be forced to wage war at the front.

According to archive documents, on the eve of this big conference held in Tehran, Sharif Shirinboyev was tasked with going to the village of Moravintepa in the Jurjan region and determining the accuracy of the urgent report about the armed gangs that were parachuted into the surrounding desert at night. is submitted.

Sharif Shirinbayev, who works as a merchant, forms a wonderful caravan with one of the local merchants, loads it with essential goods such as sugar, salt, gas, and quickly sets off. As he walks from village to village and collects his goods, he observes armed gangs living in hidden ambushes. During long and short conversations with the reserve fighters, who were mainly Asians who were captured in order not to be noticed among the local population, it became known that there are 67 of them.

In addition to these, what kind of weapons the subversives have, where and how their ambush is located, and who are their leaders will not be overlooked by our intelligence officer. He even manages to photograph some of them.

As a result of such valuable and reliable intelligence information, the group of subversives who participated in the so-called "Unprecedented Leap" operation of the Nazis will be destroyed. The Fuhrer's "Mountain of Faith" crumbles in front of a brave Uzbek intelligence officer.

"It is necessary to admit that it is not possible for everyone and every intelligence officer to carry out such a dangerous and responsible combat mission," Khudoyberdi Sahibov proudly states. - We rightfully call Sharif Shirinboyev a "legendary intelligence officer" for such great services. He was a brave, faithful, but extremely humble and modest person who sacrificed his life for his country."

Shielded hearts

It is necessary to emphasize that during the Second World War, in our republic, where large industrial enterprises are located, where the most necessary products for the front are produced, the state security bodies carried out extremely complex, difficult and laborious work. The employees of the security agencies have literally shielded their chests to keep state and military secrets, to ensure uninterrupted operation of military facilities, railway transport, communications and means of communication. Many subversives who tried to sneak into the territory of Uzbekistan were captured.

As a result of such reliable, bold and cohesive actions, the enemy's constant attempts to weaken the military-industrial potential of Uzbekistan and to penetrate our vital centers of the enemy's agents were completely thwarted.

Another combat mission

This is a brave scout

Another combat mission performed by Sharif Shirinbayev is a good example. Among such important tasks is the capture of a traitor who has been regularly engaged in finding, recruiting and sending suitable people for espionage and subversive activities to the Soviet Union, including Uzbekistan, under the protection of foreign intelligence agencies. was

As mentioned, our intelligence officer, who is known as a respectable boy, invites the traitor to his house in Mashhad with the help of his assistants. The "guest" arrives, and that very night he is bound and sent to Ashgabat. Along with the traitor, the "hojatbarors", who have been regularly involved in letting foreign agents cross the Azim river, will also be handed over to our counter-intelligence agents.

Historians note that 15% of the success in the war depends on the army, and 85% depends on the supply of the frontline.

From this point of view, the commercial work of Sharif Shirinbayev, who officially worked as the deputy head of the trade representative office of the Soviet government in Khorasan region, is worthy of praise. Let's turn to more concrete examples.

Based on archive documents, it can be said that he personally visited all the markets, chicken houses and shops in Khurasan to send food, especially meat, to the front. Many cattle breeders and butchers knew Abduqadirboy well, so they had the opportunity to conclude reliable contracts with them. In particular, more than 100,000 sheep and 10,000 cattle are bought and their meat is sent to the front. At the same time, in 1943, Pochapostin began to make a bet. Thus, more than ten thousand warm clothes will be sent to the Caucasian front through Baku. At the same time, our intelligence officer fully controlled the timely delivery of weapons, military equipment, food and raw materials sent to the Soviet Union by the allied countries - the USA and England, through the city of Zahidan, bordering India, to the Western Front. went

Ibrat school

"Sacrifice your life for your country!" Sharif Shirinboyev, who considered the slogan as his lifelong program, was such a brave intelligence officer, loyal and hardworking person, - says Khudoyberdi aka Sahibov. - Honorary title of "Honored State Security Officer", "Red Star" Order, "For Combat Services", "For Victory over Germany", "For the Defense of the Caucasus" and many other high awards the fact that he won state awards is a clear proof of this.

Sharif Shirinbayev's name is included in the list of the most skilled intelligence officers, a recognition that only a few employees of the secret services receive.

The brave life and work of the state security service personnel, including our national intelligence officers, is a model school for educating all our compatriots, especially the younger generation, in the spirit of patriotism, loyalty to our independent Motherland, and courage. It's worth writing about them, making movies, and making TV shows about them. Remembering the memory of our compatriots who died in the Second World War, showing respect to our grandfathers who survived the battles, to our elderly compatriots who patiently overcame difficult times and did not forget their country and people in difficult moments gives us all pride. .

The decision of our President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on October 23, 2019 "On the appropriate celebration of the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Second World War" perpetuates the will of our people in the fight against fascism, the selfless work behind the war, the historical services and the younger generation of our ancestors. education in a spirit worthy of courage, preserving peace in the minds of our sons and daughters, is an important factor in establishing the feeling of appreciating today's medical days.

We hope that the book "Legendary Intelligencer" prepared for publication by the experienced employees of our service will be a good gift for those who love to read these days, as well as a worthy contribution to good works in this regard.

On the Day of Remembrance and Appreciation, which is widely celebrated in our country, we proudly remember the incomparable heroism of our nation's brave and loyal children like Sharif Shirinboyev among the enemy, in the battlefields and behind the front, and we pray for their pure souls in Ramadan.


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Source: "Hurriyat" newspaper.

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