


In recent years, great work has been done in our country, great achievements have been made. In this regard, there is no doubt that the new ideas and initiatives put forward by the President and the rational policy program are being implemented.
In recent years, great work has been done in our country, great achievements have been made. In this regard, there is no doubt that the new ideas and initiatives put forward by the President and the rational policy program are being implemented.

In this regard, our correspondent talked with the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a lawyer who served in the Republic of Uzbekistan, candidate of legal sciences, Mirzo Ulugbek ABDUSALOMOV.

- Mirzo Ulugbek Elchiyevich, the idea of establishing a solid foundation of the new Renaissance in New Uzbekistan - the third Renaissance - aroused great interest among the public of our country. The initiative is widely studied, thoroughly commented, supported, many practical and effective suggestions are made. As an experienced politician, lawyer and scientist, please share your thoughts on this matter with our journalists.

- It is natural that grandiose ideas that aim to raise the interests, prestige, people's life and well-being to the heights always arouse great interest in people.

This initiative of the head of our state has boldly stepped into a completely new stage of its development and the idea of building a solid foundation of the New Renaissance - the Third Renaissance in New Uzbekistan, which is taking bold steps, is undoubtedly a great goal that can be realized, a realistic one. is work...

It was hard to believe that four or five years later, the principles of openness, transparency and democracy can be seen in practice in Uzbekistan. Today it has become our way of life. This is the real truth. Let's think about the huge creative works, new projects, raising science and enlightenment to the heights, and paying attention to innovative development. What about the strengthening of freedom of religion and belief, the actual increase in the prestige of our mother tongue as a state language...

A country that lived in its shell boldly restores friendly relations with neighboring countries, attracts the attention of the international community to global problems, opens wide avenues for entrepreneurship, ensures free conversion of the national currency, the development of transport infrastructure, our people, who lived in a closed environment for a lifetime, began to wake up...

As a result of this awakening, how many centuries old hadiths that are destroying the society will be removed from the hearts! We have increased confidence in the strengthening of justice, freedom of speech and thought, scientific and creative spirit, initiative, bold aspiration towards the manifestation of one's potential in people, the right to vote and be elected, opportunities have actually expanded...

Such opportunities, which have been a dream for our people for decades, even centuries, have become an integral part of our peaceful life, as in developed countries. In other words, all our compatriots are feeling the effects of life-changing reforms in our country in order to build a just society.

- Do you think there are enough opportunities in our country to create the foundations of the third Renaissance?

- The choice of the idea of continuous development of education, science, enlightenment and culture as the main driver - locomotive for creating the foundation of the Third Renaissance is the most important factor that ensures the viability of this initiative. As the knowledge of the nation increases, so does its prosperity.

"We consider pre-school education and school education, higher and secondary special education system and scientific and cultural institutions as the four integral links of the future Renaissance," said President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. . "We consider kindergarten teachers, school teachers, professors and scientific and creative intellectuals to be the four pillars of the new Renaissance."

As a result of the continuous increase of the attention, investments, and effort directed to these areas, all other sectors of the society come into action and develop.

This means that in the near future all children in our country will be fully covered by pre-school education centers. This is a sign of an unprecedented expansion of opportunities for school education, which has taken the scale of a national movement, for young people to study in higher education institutions, to engage in science. This means that thousands and millions of highly qualified personnel with modern knowledge and independent thinking will be produced. This is independent Uzbekistan, as our grandfathers dreamed of, a country of virtuous people, the world's largest economic, scientific, creative, technical discoveries, culture and

means that it will become one of the art centers. This means that the scientific-intellectual potential of our people will increase even more, and New Uzbekistan will become a land of great scholars who will amaze the world with their scientific-creative, technical, and intellectual intelligence...

As a result of ambitious, wide-ranging and complex reforms that have been carried out for the past four years, today our society, consciousness and thinking are changing, and the image of our country is becoming more beautiful. This is widely recognized not only by our compatriots, but also by the people of the world who are closely watching the great changes in New Uzbekistan.

Our compatriots now know that wherever they are, they are under the protection of our state. In the dangerous time when the pandemic is raging in the world and conflicts are raging in different regions, the special recognition of Uzbekistan as one of the most peaceful and peaceful countries according to the World Law and Order Index further strengthens such trust. natural. After all, only in a peaceful and peaceful country, grandiose ideas can be realized, dreams can be fulfilled, and blessings can last.

- It is not easy to achieve such achievements...

- Of course. At the heart of these achievements are far-sighted domestic and foreign policy, great hard work, research, wisdom, boundless love for our independent Motherland, our motherland, and most importantly, great political will. In the past short period of time, the Strategy of Actions, which includes very relevant, wide-ranging programs, tasks and projects, has been defined and its implementation is being consistently ensured.

New laws were adopted, the composition of the people's representative and executive bodies at all levels was fundamentally updated based on the principle of periodicity. A new force came to the state administration, determined to unite the nation under the noblest ideas.

Our creative people, who live feeling such great affection, fully support the reforms that express the inspiring idea of "From national revival to national rise". The creative potential of our compatriots, who are experiencing all the changes, is increasing more and more.

The number of higher educational institutions operating in our country, including branches of foreign higher education institutions, has increased significantly. Thousands of boys and girls are studying in presidential, creative and specialized schools. This is a great opportunity. If these changes are expressed in numbers, forty-three new higher education institutions have been established in our country in the last four years, and their number has exceeded one hundred and twenty. This year, about one and a half million young men and women applied for admission to higher educational institutions, in other words, forty percent more than last year. This is a proof that our young people are hungry for knowledge, capable of great discoveries, fully supporting the policy of our country and that this policy corresponds to their dreams.

The main thing is that it not only expands the choice of young people who aim to acquire knowledge, master modern professions, and engage in science, but also effectively serves to raise the scientific and creative potential of our country. The thirst for knowledge is in the blood of our people. Our ancestors knew that knowledge is the key to happiness. Previously, an applicant could apply to and enroll in only one higher education institution. Now he can study at universities, institutes and colleges not only in Uzbekistan, but also in any country in the world. Thousands of our children are effectively using this opportunity. Because today our young people, who are diligent and enthusiastic, know not only their mother tongue - Uzbek, but also foreign languages. Thoroughly mastered modern information technologies.

Here I would like to draw your attention to one more number. In any country of the world, where there are many highly educated specialists, the level of well-being of the people in that country is extremely high. Japan, Canada, South Korea, Germany are good examples of this. Higher educated people make up more than fifty percent of the population over twenty-five years old in these countries.

The fact that some of our young men and women have taken a place in the ranks of students of dozens of universities in Uzbekistan and abroad this year is not only the honor of such wide opportunities being created, but also a proof that the level of knowledge, hopes, wishes and aspirations of our youth is increasing. As the head of our state noted, "Today's Uzbekistan is not yesterday's Uzbekistan. Our nation today is not the nation of yesterday."

- Such an update was clearly demonstrated during the 2019 elections to the parliament and local councils of our country under the slogan "New Uzbekistan - new elections". Isn't that so?

- In fact, the elections held on the basis of the new Electoral Code, which fully meet the universally recognized international requirements and standards, are our nation's

ing's legal consciousness, political knowledge and culture are growing, and it was another confirmation that democratic principles are firmly established in our society.

An automated system for managing election processes and a unified electronic list of voters were introduced for the first time. Ample conditions were created for labor migrants, students and other compatriots temporarily living abroad to participate in the elections. For the first time, the opportunity to vote was created for convicts who were deprived of their freedom, but did not commit a serious or extremely serious crime.

At the moment, on the election day, 120 video cameras installed as a trial test in sixty polling stations in different regions of the country showed the voting process of the voters to the International Press Center of the Central Election Commission and to the whole world online via the Internet. Sixty devices that "read" biometric documents were used as an experiment to determine the identity of citizens during voting in twenty polling stations.

Such an advanced practice will be used more widely in future elections and will serve for the future elections to be held in the spirit of open, transparent, healthy competition, in full compliance with international standards, with the help of information and communication technologies.

- It is no secret that certain shortcomings and problems were noticed during the elections. What can you say about it?

- Your question is correct. The merit of the democratic reforms implemented in our country is that not only the achievements, but also the existing problems and shortcomings are discussed in detail, and the measures to eliminate them are determined.

In February of this year, the Central Election Commission, in cooperation with local state authorities, held interesting roundtable discussions with the participation of voters, election organizers, and local leaders in all regions. The achievements, shortcomings and problems encountered in them were deeply and critically analyzed, and detailed opinions were exchanged regarding the more effective organization of elections in the future, the further improvement of the legal knowledge and electoral culture of the population.

During the talks, as well as in the conclusions of international organizations, proposals and recommendations put forward by ordinary voters through social networks were summarized, and information on the further democratization of the electoral system of Uzbekistan, the improvement of the national electoral law and practice was summarized in "Election - 2019: achievements, problems, suggestions" brochure was prepared.

- Please go into more detail about this pamphlet.

- This is the first time that the Central Electoral Commission, having studied its activities related to the organization and conduct of elections from a critical point of view, has brought to the attention of the public such large-scale analytical information, existing problems and proposals for their solutions. . The brochure, published in Uzbek, Russian and English languages, contains very interesting information and suggestions on the further democratization of the national election law and practice, which did not fail to attract the attention of the public.

In particular, Article 117 of the Constitution of our country stipulates that a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan cannot be a deputy of more than two representative bodies of state power at the same time.

It's no secret that citizens who are nominated as candidates for two local representative bodies at the same time face problems with conducting election campaigns and holding meetings. The Central Election Commission has also received a number of appeals on this issue.

Taking this into account, it is proposed to establish a rule in the law that one candidate can be elected only from one electoral district and one local representative body.

By making changes to the national election legislation, it is also a reasonable proposal to abolish the district election commissions that hold elections to district (city) councils of people's deputies and transfer their powers to district (city) election commissions.

In order to create greater freedom for political parties in elections, it is advisable to place propaganda and propaganda materials in the form specified by the Central Election Commission on external advertising media and electronic monitors and to abandon the practice of distributing them free of charge. Then, during the pre-election campaign by parties and candidates, there will be no similarity, sameness, duplication, etc.

As it was mentioned, one of the main issues on the agenda is the widespread introduction of information and communication technologies to electoral processes in the future, as in developed countries.

- Obviously, the more clear and ambitious the goal, the more honorable it will be to achieve it.

- It's true. Global competition is increasingly strong

The correct definition of the main strategic goal - the perspective of national development at a time of decline - is a great happiness of our people. Wise men say that great ideas serve to perfect great people. Great people and great thinkers raise the prestige of their people and their country.

The implementation of the noble idea of establishing a strong foundation of the third Renaissance, which is perfectly suited to the great creativity and scientific and creative potential of our ancestors, at the initiative of the head of our state, will undoubtedly be an important factor in Uzbekistan's place among the most developed countries in the world, and in the further improvement of the well-being of our people.

For this, first of all, we need to appreciate the peace and tranquility firmly established in our country, and the wide opportunities that are being created. At the same time, by using them effectively, we will spare all our energy and talent, so that today and the future of our country will be more prosperous, fuller and more peaceful, we will all come together, with filial love and loyalty to our great nation. we need to serve.




("People's word") talked.

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