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Mass media play an important role in implementing large-scale reforms in the life of our state and society, protecting the rights and interests of our people, and ensuring public control.
Mass media play an important role in implementing large-scale reforms in the life of our state and society, protecting the rights and interests of our people, and ensuring public control.

After all, freedom of speech and information, the right to freely express one's opinion, receive information and distribute it are among the most basic and universally recognized human rights and important factors of the development of a democratic society.

Special attention is paid to strengthening the role of mass media as one of the most important directions of improving the state and society in the Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021.

As a result of the implemented reforms, our people clearly feel that in recent years, openness and transparency, freedom of speech and press, and freedom of thought are becoming our way of life in New Uzbekistan. The activity of the mass media has increased dramatically, and a healthy critical and analytical spirit has grown in them. International experts and international organizations also widely recognize that our compatriots express their opinions openly, freely and boldly.

In the strengthening of democratic principles in the life of society, especially in ensuring the openness and transparency of elections, the mass media - print and Internet publications, television and radio, as well as the activities of bloggers play an important role.

Mass media have the right to cover all events related to the preparation and conduct of the election. According to Articles 8 and 35 of the Election Code, media representatives have the right to cover all events related to the preparation and conduct of the election, to be present at the polling stations on the election day, including during the counting of votes.

Of course, the authority of mass media representatives must be confirmed by documents issued by the Central Election Commission, regional, district and city election commissions.

The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan always pays special attention to this issue in its activities. A clear example of this is the 2019 elections to our country's Parliament and local councils held for the first time under the slogan "New Uzbekistan - new elections" based on the Election Code. In the process of preparing for and conducting the election, the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan and election commissions at all levels organized their work according to the principles of openness, transparency and transparency. The establishment of the International Press Center and its regional divisions under the Central Election Commission was of great importance. 1,155 representatives of our country and foreign mass media covered the election process.

More than a hundred briefings and press conferences, seminars and roundtables, more than ten meetings of the Central Election Commission and 26 live TV debates between political parties and candidates were held in the International Press Center. was broadcast.

From October 20 to November 20, 2019, "Electoral Legislation Promotion Month" was held across the country, and millions of voters were covered by promotional activities.

Surveillance cameras were installed in sixty polling stations, and the voting process was shown in real time at the International Press Center, on the official website of the Central Election Commission, and on "Uzbekistan24" TV channel.

In addition, in cooperation with the International Press Center, 28 times 150-minute "Press-coffee" and 7 times 30-minute "Press-briefing" were broadcast live.

26 episodes of the "Democratic Debate" talk show were broadcast live by the National Association of Electronic Mass Media of Uzbekistan and more than fifty television and radio stations that are its members.

The official website of the Central Election Commission ( has been modernized and more than 3,800 materials in Uzbek, about 2,400 in Russian, and more than 350 in English have been posted on it.

In general, during the election campaign, more than 42,000, including about 4,000 critical speeches, were recorded in mass media and social networks.

It should also be noted that during the election campaign, all political parties, candidates for deputies and their proxies have equal opportunities for meetings with voters, debates, debates, press conferences, citizens' meetings, interviews, media appearances, placing posters, videos, and banners. appropriate. In general, mass media, Internet pages and society

a total of 141,952 campaign materials related to political parties and their candidates were published on social networks.

All of this served to ensure that all processes related to the preparation and holding of the election were carried out in a free, open, transparent manner, in accordance with the national legislation in the field of elections, in particular, the Election Code.

The extensive practical and legal experience gained in the past elections, as well as the recommendations made by national and international observers, play an important role in improving the electoral law and practice.

The law "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislations of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Connection with the Improvement of Election Legislation" signed by the head of our state on February 8 of this year, further expands the guarantees of citizens' right to vote, participation in state and community management. , will be an important factor in achieving the noble goals of improving the national election system, ensuring openness, transparency and transparency in elections.

Impartial and transparent coverage of election processes requires journalists, first of all, to have thorough knowledge of national election legislation and practice, and strict adherence to journalistic ethics. In this regard, it is worth noting that the training of journalists in this regard by the Central Election Commission before the 2019 elections had a good effect.

The results and conclusions of the elections were published in Uzbek, Russian and English in the newsletter "Election-2019: achievements, problems, proposals" prepared by the Central Election Commission.

It is the duty of all of us to be aware of the new changes made to the electoral law. After all, without knowing the law, it is difficult for a person, especially a journalist, to follow his rights, duties and obligations. I think it will be useful to dwell on some of these important changes.

According to the amendments made to the Election Code according to the new law, it should be noted that the proposal to change the time of holding elections to representative bodies of state power has attracted the attention of many people.

In fact, as a direct participant of the election process for many years, I have heard the wishes and suggestions of many citizens, from ordinary voters to election organizers, about moving the elections to warmer days. For some reason, the issue of changing the old tradition of holding elections at the end of the year has been neglected until now.

As noted by the experts, holding the elections in an open, warm month, rather than in the harsh winter - December, is comprehensive and for everyone - both for the voters, for the elected, for the organizers of the elections, and after the elections, the supreme state bodies It is also very convenient for timely formation.

Representatives of political parties, local observers, deputies, and journalists are among those who welcome this important news included in the electoral law. According to them, the fact that the elections coincided with the cold winter season had a negative impact on the citizens' activity in the elections, on the wide-ranging conduct of pre-election campaign activities, especially on the organization of public events.

In addition, as a result of the elections, in accordance with the constitutional provisions and international election standards, the composition of the representative bodies of the legislative power of Uzbekistan and local state power will be renewed based on the principle of periodicity. Executive power at all levels will be reshaped. In addition to these, there are very important and urgent processes related to the New Year's holiday, year-ends and summaries, plans and programs for the coming year.

It is natural that such political and legal processes require a certain amount of time and effort. According to the amendments made to the electoral legislation under the new law signed by our President on February 8, now the election to the Presidency, the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, the Dzhokorgi Council of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the representative bodies of state power of regions, districts, cities are now within their constitutional limits. it was decided to be held on the first Sunday of the third ten days of October in the year when the term of office expires. As we noted, such elections were previously held in December.

In connection with the abolition of the institution of district election commissions holding elections to the district (city) councils of people's deputies, and the transfer of their powers to district (city) election commissions, the composition of district and city election commissions has been expanded to 21 members.

During the elections held in 2019, it became known that there are a number of tasks related to the improvement of the election legislation in this direction. Article 25 of the Election Code "etc

more than half of the members of the hastka election commission cannot be recommended from one organization," it was noted. However, in institutions such as hospitals, rest houses, military units, and diplomatic missions of our country abroad, it is difficult to arrange the members of the polling station in such an order due to the requirements of their strict internal rules.

Taking this into account, according to the new law, the third part of this article of the Election Code was stated as follows: "More than half of the members of the precinct election commission cannot be recommended from one organization, except for the diplomatic and other representative offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign countries. with the exception of precinct election commissions established in military units, sanatoriums and rest homes, other inpatient treatment facilities, places of detention and deprivation of liberty. It should be noted that during the 2019 election period, diplomatic and other representative offices of Uzbekistan in 38 foreign countries

55 polling stations were established. It is due to such important changes that the opportunity to vote was created for all our compatriots, regardless of whether they are consular accounts or not. Abroad, 112,411 of our compatriots voted using their constitutional right. In the previous elections, only citizens registered in consular offices of our country abroad could vote.

According to the new amendments to the election legislation, the elimination of the duty of election commissions to organize meetings of candidates with voters, the prohibition of the use of state resources during the pre-election campaign, and in order to prevent unjustified prolongation of the period of announcement of election results, election commissions the introduction of new norms regarding the reduction of the appeal period from 10 days to 5 days serves to conduct elections based on the principles of openness, transparency and independence.

Also, in order to ensure the financial transparency of political parties, a procedure was introduced for them to publish their interim and final financial reports before the election, as well as the results of the audit of the parties' activities by the Chamber of Accounts.

Being well aware of these changes and monitoring their implementation in practice will undoubtedly be an important factor in the presidential election expected this year from the representatives of the mass media, based on universally recognized international election principles. It requires active action from all of us to justify the trust expressed that this important political campaign will once again show that the political and legal culture, worldview, and citizenship position of our voters and all citizens are rising in the conditions of New Uzbekistan.





Republic of Uzbekistan

Central Election Commission

head of the press service,

doctor of philosophy in legal sciences.


Source: "Hurriyat" newspaper, March 3, 2021. Number 9.

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