


One of the most important advantages of the democratic reforms implemented in our country is that not only the achievements, but also the existing problems and shortcomings are discussed in detail, and the measures to eliminate them are determined.
One of the most important advantages of the democratic reforms implemented in our country is that not only the achievements, but also the existing problems and shortcomings are discussed in detail, and the measures to eliminate them are determined.

The shortcomings were critically analyzed

Based on the experience of the past elections in the address of the head of state to the parliament on December 29, 2020, as well as taking into account the impartial opinions and favorable recommendations of international observers about the election processes, further raising the electoral culture of election commissions and the population, working with the electorate of political parties it was emphasized that improving the system and increasing the political activity of the parties are among the important issues.


In this regard, the great practical and legal experience gained in the past elections, as well as the recommendations made by national and international observers, play an important role in improving the electoral law and practice.


From this point of view, the analysis of the results of the 2019 elections showed that some shortcomings were allowed in some places during the election campaign, and there are problems that need to be solved. Further improvement of electoral culture of election commissions and the population, consistent improvement of work with the unified electronic voter list system, optimization of the three-tier system of holding elections to local councils, increasing the role of district and city election commissions are among such issues.


The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan has thoroughly analyzed these results and is carrying out systematic work on the further improvement of the electoral law and practice. In this, the achievements, shortcomings and problems encountered during the preparation and conduct of the election were deeply and critically analyzed, and the necessary tasks for more effective organization of the elections in the future were determined.


It should be said that the elections organized under the slogan "New Uzbekistan - new elections" based on the Electoral Code were held on the basis of the principles of multi-party and alternative, openness and transparency, free competition, heated arguments and debates between political parties. It was widely acknowledged by international observers that it was conducted in accordance with generally recognized democratic standards.


It was certainly not easy to achieve such recognition. At the same time, strengthening the achieved achievements and striving for new goals is the need of the times. The law "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislations of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Connection with the Improvement of Election Legislation" signed by the head of our state on February 8 of this year, further expands the guarantees of citizens' right to vote, participation in state and community management. , will be an important factor in achieving the noble goals of improving the national election system, ensuring openness, transparency and transparency in elections.

It is the duty of all of us to be aware of the new changes made to the electoral law. After all, it is difficult for a person to fulfill his rights, duties and obligations without knowing the law and obeying it. At this point, it should be noted that publicizing the meaning and significance of important changes in electoral law and practice among citizens' self-governing bodies, including informed voters - has a special place. . After all, it is not for nothing that the proverb says that the country begins with the neighborhood. During the elections, the majority of polling stations are organized and operate in neighborhoods.


District election commissions did not justify themselves?


I was very happy that one of the ideas put forward in the roundtable discussions was expressed in the new law. That is, according to the amendments made to the Election Code, the practice of forming district election commissions for conducting elections to the Council of People's Deputies, district and city (except for the Tashkent City Council of People's Deputies) will now be abandoned. The reason for this became clear during the election process: this institution did not justify itself. There were 1-3 precinct election commissions in the area belonging to such district commissions. For comparison, up to a hundred precinct election commissions correspond to each of the districts where the deputies of the Parliament are elected.


5739 district election commissions with more than 54,000 members as a result of the optimization of district election commissions holding elections to district (city) councils of people's deputies

i is no longer compiled. Such optimization will put an end to the concern of excessive time, labor and human resources, and according to the data, it will also allow to save more than 33 billion soums of the state budget.


Also, in connection with the termination of the institution of district election commissions conducting elections to district (city) Councils of People's Deputies and the transfer of their powers to district (city) election commissions, the structure of district and city election commissions will be expanded to 21 members.


During the elections held in 2019, it became known that there are a number of tasks related to the improvement of the electoral legislation in this direction. Article 25 of the Election Code states that "more than half of the members of the precinct election commission cannot be recommended from one organization." However, in institutions such as hospitals, rest houses, military units, and diplomatic missions of our country abroad, it is difficult to arrange the members of the polling station in such an order due to the requirements of their strict internal rules. Taking this into account, according to the new law, it was determined that precinct election commissions established in these institutions are excluded.


The task now is to take advantage of such large-scale opportunities and facilities, and to conduct the important political event facing our country and people this year - the Presidential elections at a high level and with great organization.



Central Republic of Uzbekistan

a member of the election commission.


Source: "Mahalla" newspaper, February 24, 2021, issue 8 (1990).

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