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When attention to the state language and work to further increase its influence is discussed, usually the texts of advertisements in the streets, public places and mass media begin to be written from prefaces with gibberish: foreign terms are thrown out, The Uzbek word written without mistakes is the seed of anko... The root of spelling often goes back to the phrase: "If you go to European countries...".

Language and need

When attention to the state language and work to further increase its influence is discussed, usually the texts of advertisements in the streets, public places and mass media begin to be written from prefaces with gibberish: foreign terms are thrown out, The Uzbek word written without mistakes is the seed of anko... The root of spelling often goes back to the phrase: "If you go to European countries...".

It is natural for us to envy the people of rich and enlightened countries, which have been living in the glory of independence for centuries, and to strive to be better than them. Sometimes we seem to forget that our people got rid of the tyranny that lasted for almost 150 years yesterday and are boldly rebuilding their stature on all fronts.

That's how a person is - he wants to quickly achieve blessings that are not always available to everyone, such as freedom, prosperity, wealth. The more it is, the less it seems. There is no limit to the need.

This is also natural.

But when we look back, do we not remember the sad scenes that seem like nightmares? To be honest, let's put aside other blessings, didn't we stand in line from early morning until midnight in front of stores with empty shelves in order to buy simple bread, sugar, and salt? When we first set foot in prosperous countries, given the opportunity of our independence, didn't our mouths drop open when we saw that "even cars are being sold in stores".

Most of today's entrepreneurs were formed in those times of shortages - when their immunity was reduced both materially and morally, "they had nothing but a donkey and a knife in the yard", they were proud of the fact that they came from a poor worker-peasant family. whether they are representatives of the poor or their children. It is clear that it is not an easy process to get rid of the psychology of poverty and achieve private ownership, weaving culture, thinking and spirituality.

No matter how much freedom and opportunities are provided in the laws, it is of little use if citizens do not know how to use them correctly and effectively. Therefore, it is necessary to form financial and economic conditions, opportunity, national entrepreneurial culture and mindset in the society. After all, it has become clear that it is impossible to get blessings only with money, without knowing the mother tongue, our national traditions and culture.

Otherwise, a business woman who came to see Paris would brag about hanging a three-foot-tall cape with the words "Vêtements de mariage" on the thatched wall of her yard in the country. There is nothing wrong with dreaming, of course. But it is more difficult to believe that farang ladies will come to that village at the bottom of the tubka and order wedding dresses for their grown-up daughters. When he arrives, he may be able to find the now-closed tailoring shop through Uzbek peshlavhasi...

If only it were possible to solve the problems that have accumulated for decades, even centuries, in one day, with one decree or one law. Let's make our people, that is, you and us, change our thinking in one day by teaching them in seminars and trainings, and make them highly enlightened, constantly studying and living prosperously like the citizens of developed countries. if you find a way to eat.

Changing the world view is much more difficult than changing the laws. As the great poet said, "you need an opportunity to put a brick on top of a brick."

New history and high attention

In accordance with the decree of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev dated October 21, 2019 "On measures to fundamentally increase the prestige and position of the Uzbek language as a state language", the declaration of October 21 as the "Day of the Uzbek Language Holiday" is a new feature of our country. history is one of the great results of the great reforms being implemented in the new stage of development.

The holiday of the Uzbek language is a time to honor our mother tongue and increase its height and value. This holiday will be an important factor in making the state language the favorite language, spiritual need, and pride of all nations and peoples living in Uzbekistan.

Work in this regard is being carried out systematically, and its initial results have begun to be seen. For example, let's take the activity of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Today, most of the employees of the Central Election Commission, where representatives of about ten nationalities work, are fluent not only in the state language, but also in foreign languages. Meetings of the Election Commission public information v 

it is held in the state language with the participation of representatives of the osites. Documents of the commission are developed, prepared and accepted in the full state language. At the moment, in consultation with lawyers, linguists and writers, the research on further improvement of the electoral regulations from the point of view of the state language, finding, creating and putting into practice the Uzbek alternatives of foreign terms is continuing.

Its scope is wide and its importance is immeasurable

In recent years, attention has been paid to the development of the state language in our country and its wide introduction to all aspects. It should be noted that the program tasks specified in the above-mentioned decree are an important factor. These tasks, which are wide in scope and incomparably important, are being steadily implemented.

There was a law "On the State Language" and there was no organization responsible for its implementation. This is one of the reasons why writings on these problems for thirty years did not bring the expected results. Now the officials are appointed from top to bottom.

This is a new structure established within the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan - the Department of State Language Development, the heads of state administration bodies and economic associations, the chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the spiritual leaders of regions and Tashkent city, district (city) hokims. - the activities of consultants on issues of increasing the efficiency of educational work, ensuring compliance with the laws on the state language have been established.

When talking about the work done in the past short time, it is appropriate to note an important change that has attracted the attention of many people. In the past, talks, events, and media appearances about the state language increased mainly before the day of adoption of the law "On the State Language" - October 21, and then it seemed that this issue was almost forgotten. . Now the work in this regard is becoming more and more extensive and regular.

First of all, mass media - TV-radio channels, newspapers-magazines, social networks, including the official website of the State Language Development Department and its branches on social networks, provide critical and analytical statements about the promotion of the state language, problems and shortcomings. can be seen when it is gaining public attention and recognition.

This can be seen when consultants at all levels, together with representatives of partner organizations, check the text of advertisements, titles, and place names one by one for compliance with the state language and the requirements of advertising laws, and take appropriate measures.

This is done during various contests dedicated to the development of the state language, its practical application, active learning, further strengthening of the scientific foundations of the Uzbek language, including grant contests for scientific works, new books, dictionaries, You can see when the programs are published, their electronic forms are placed on the Internet and actively used by thousands and millions of fans.

Many practical suggestions are made by the public in this process, which serves to increase the prestige of our native language, its position in society and internationally. Modern ideas based on innovative ideas and technologies are being promoted.

State language and education

"The issue of the state language should be one of the main principles of our national idea," said President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. - In order to inculcate our mother tongue in the hearts of the young generation from childhood, we should pay special attention to perfect teaching of the Uzbek language on the basis of modern and innovative technologies at all stages of education. So that our children become people who read fluently, write fluently and think deeply in Uzbek."

Achieving such a lofty goal requires greater attention to general literacy, mother tongue and literature education in the general education process.

A situation that often occurs in life comes to mind. Let alone others, some professionals with higher education, even though they were educated in their native language, that is, in Uzbek in secondary school and higher education institution, write letters and documents more properly in the state language. can't. If you object, he says, "I am not a linguist or a journalist." It seems that Uzbek language should be known only by the holders of this profession, it does not apply to others.

In this regard, it is a good thing that the issue of improving the teaching of the Uzbek language in schools has been raised and discussed among the public. According to some linguists-pedagogues, the reason why it is difficult for students to learn their mother tongue and the general literacy level remains low is that the main emphasis in classes is on theory. 

it is related to the Now, using modern methods, it is necessary to switch to teaching practical grammar, i.e. language rules that are actively used in speech and writing. In other words, let our children learn to write correctly, speak correctly, and think correctly along with the rules of possessive and participle, pronouns, and adjectives.

Of course, as in any debate, opinions differ here. But on one issue, many people agree that in order to learn and teach any language well, it will be appropriate if work is done based on the nature of that language. After all, every nation has its own way of life, traditions and culture. Language is its most important component.

And the great factors of high results are in each of us. As the President noted, "each of us should regard attention to the state language as attention to independence, respect and loyalty to the state language as respect and loyalty to the Motherland, and make this view the rule of our lives."


Kulman Ochilov,

Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Advisor to the chairman, a journalist who has served in Uzbekistan.




Source: "Guliston" magazine,

2020, issue 4.

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