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Training workshops were organised for republican trainers on the preparation and conduct of elections




From 12 to 14 August this year, on the initiative of the Central Election Commission, training and methodology sessions were organized for republican trainers on the preparation and conduct of elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and Local Councils (Kengashes) on the basis of the “Concept for organizing the professional development of members of election commissions”.


The aim of the trainings conducted within the framework of the three-day training program is to prepare the republican trainers to consolidate the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the organizers of the elections of the deputies to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and Local Councils (Kengashes), in particular the members of the rayon, city, district and precinct election commissions.



At the beginning of the training sessions, the Chairperson of the Central Election Commission, Zayniddin Nizamkhodjaev, and the Rector of the Academy of Public Administration, Adham Bekmurodov, emphasised the nature and importance of the event and the expected results.


A total of 104 national trainers from among the professors-teachers of the country's leading higher education institutions took part in the training sessions, which were conducted by members of the Central Election Commission, employees of the Secretariat and teaching staff of Tashkent State Law University.



The training courses dealt with topics such as the mixed electoral system and its characteristics, the shortcomings committed in previous elections and the tasks to prevent them, the most important aspects of the system and the work of the election commissions, the work with the list of voters, the equipment of the buildings of the precinct election commissions, early voting, the organization of voting, the counting of votes and the determination of the election results.


Videos developed by the Press Service of the Central Election Commission in cooperation with experts from the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan on four topics: Equipment of the buildings of precinct election commissions, organization of early voting, organization of voting on Election Day, counting of votes and determination of election results, will help trainees to master the topics covered.



Practical exercises were carried out on the third day. Divided into groups, the trainees carried out practical work on organizing, conducting elections and counting votes in a polling station set up according to the model. The students took on the roles of members of the precinct election commission, local and international observers, voters and media representatives. In this way, the students were able to consolidate their theoretical knowledge during the practical sessions.


It should be noted that for the organization and implementation of training courses to improve the qualifications of members of election commissions at a high level in accordance with the curriculum, highly qualified specialists prepared methodological materials in the form of lectures, advancement questions, tests, presentations, infographics and video lessons. All stages of practical training sessions were conducted in an interactive form using these teaching materials.




At the end of the training, the trainees' knowledge and skills were tested.


Central Election Commission Press Service

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